Chapter fifty six.

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‘’Please say something’’ he begs.

‘’I don’t know what to say, do or think right now’’

‘’Anything at all…whatever’s going through your head’’

‘’Well whether you slept with her or not you clearly though about it which pisses  me off, you walked out on me for no good reason I didn’t do anything wrong! You didn’t come home last night I was worried sick about you whilst you got wasted and contemplated fucking different girls’’

I’m not longer in control of my emotions as the first of many tears runs down my cheek.

‘’But I didn’t sleep with her, a month ago I would of done this just shows how much I’ve changed and how hard I’m trying’’

‘’Oh well done Harry you kept it in your pants for once’’ I mock angrily.

‘’ I know you didn’t do anything wrong… I just had to go out and clear my head, do what I always used to do’’

‘’Well maybe you need a new way to deal with things’’

‘’I do... I need you’’

‘’You’re so cheesy’’ I giggle, I don’t know what it is about Harry but I can just never keep angry at him.

He leans in to kiss me but I know that’s not going to happen we still need to figure some stuff out.

‘’No’’ I mumble pulling back.

‘’I thought…’’ Harry trails off.

‘’You thought wrong, we’re still not sorted’’

‘’we can’t keep doing this Harry, we can’t keep having the same arguments about you and your past’’ I sigh wiping away a few remaining tears.

‘’The way I see it it’s good that we keep arguing if we didn’t we wouldn’t care or we’d just break up but the fact that we keep putting ourselves through this surly means we should be together’’

‘’You have such weird logic’’

‘’I’m right though’’

‘’No your right that we should be together, I don’t doubt that for a second but we need to stop arguing over the same shit you need to move on, grow the fuck up and stop doing what you used to do. When things go wrong we need to talk about it, stay with me don’t walk away. Stay’’

Just as the final word leaves my lips Harrys own lips meet mine they only stay for a few seconds and I showed just how much I missed the lips that made me fly. [There’s a line from a song in this sentence know what it is?]

‘’I’m not going anywhere’’ Harry murmurs his arms wrapping tightly around my waist.

‘’I promise I’ll change’’ he continues.

I’m not sure if I believe him but I have to give him a chance, I love him too much to just let him go.

Authors note ----- thank you all so much for reading, I love you all.

What did you think?

Should Emma have given Harry another chance?



Anyone know what song I used a line from?

Please can I get 25+votes and 15+ comments on this chapter:)

Sorry it’s a little short.

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twitter - @Wh0re_Moanal

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Thanks again, love Molly xxxx

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin