Chapter 5

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I just want to answer a few questions before the update. Everyone is asking for more frequent updates of this story, but here's the thing: I'm writing two stories and so you can expect an update every other week for each story. If I have loads of free time and I manage to finish an update earlier than that, then I will post it here immediately. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is how it's going to be until my other story, My Imperfect Mr Perfect finishes – which it will do within the next few months because it's nearing its end.

And someone had asked in their comment, whether this story is going to have a sad ending with lots of heartbreaks etc. The answer to that is no, I don't do sad endings because I get really emotional over them myself. Yes, Arnav won't be as nice here as he is in my other story – in fact, that was the whole point of this story – but, that doesn't mean that this story will have lots of heart breaks. Yes there will be some sad scenes like the one in the last update, but those who read my other story know that I don't extend fights and stuff to any more than two updates. So don't worry, this won't be a story off too many heart-breaks.

A Heart That Loves – Chapter 5

Khushi stuttered, "I mean... to be with me... I need you to be with me..." Khushi tried to tell him properly as her previous attempt had come out completely wrong. "I need to be with me to break my fast..."

And then his smirk disappeared.

"Khushi, you know I don't believe in these things and I don't like to be a part of them," he said, darkly, not making a move to place his hands on top of Khushi's like he normally would.

"I know Arnavji but it's for our good... For our happiness..." she tried.

Arnav's hands turned into fists as he gritted his teeth – but he tried to control his anger as he bit out, "Khushi I've told you this already. I don't believe in all this and I'm NOT coming. End. Of." His steely tone clearly meant 'no more discussion on this topic.'

But Khushi missed the warning completely and still tried to convince him, "Please Arnavji – can you not do this much for me?"

And that broke the dam.

Arnav swatted off Khushi's hands on his chest before turning around to grab her shoulders as he yelled, "When you know I don't believe in this SHIT then why do you try and make me do it???!!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!"

And that's when Khushi heard the first crack...

Of her heart breaking...


It didn't hurt that he refused to break her fast. It didn't hurt that he had half expected her to give up her beliefs for him. It didn't hurt that he was angry at her for no reason.

What hurt, was the fact that he had told her that she had no right.

It was like being awoken from a beautiful dream with ice cold water being splashed on your face.

Tears stung her eyes as she realised that it wasn't his fault – not at all.

She had been the fool.

He had always been clear about the fact that he was never going to love her. And she had readily agreed to that too. Of course she hadn't anticipated falling for him in the process, but it had happened nevertheless. And somewhere along the line, seeing him care for her with his tiniest of gestures, she had started living in an imaginary world where she pretended to herself that he almost loved her. Almost.

A Heart That Loves... (Arshi FF)Where stories live. Discover now