Chapter 3

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It wasn't that she didn't want him to move forward... She did... But in time... She knew she wanted it all with him – only with him... Regardless of whether he loved her or not... But only at a point when they had both opened up to each other fully... She wasn't sure if that would ever happen, but a girl could dream right?

Khushi looked down at Arnav sleeping in her arms peacefully like a baby.

She didn't know what had upset him so much that he came to her apartment at this time, completely drunk... She had never seen him so out of himself... And who was this woman who had left him...?

She wished he would share his pain with her... But she knew that in the morning he would act as if nothing had happened – he would block her out of it...

'But no matter how much he pushes me, I'll always be by his side,' she decided. 'Always...'

And with that she went to sleep, tightening her arms around him, giving him the comfort he needed even in his sleep, while taking comfort from the fact that she had the love of her life in her arms, sleeping peacefully beside her...


The next morning, Khushi was the first one to wake up.

At first, she was startled to feel the heavy weight on top of her. But then she looked down and saw Arnav, who was cozily snuggled up to her chest with his one hand wrapped around her waist and his one leg thrown over hers.

That was when she remembered the events of last night.

She checked the clock and saw that there was still a little bit of time before she would have to wake up Arnav so they both could go to office on time.

She was going to go back to sleep when she remembered that Arnav had been really drunk yesterday night. And she'd heard somewhere that having lemon water the next morning helps with the hangover.

So with a lot of difficulty, Khushi managed to untangle herself from his strong hold, even in his sleep, and then she headed to the kitchen to make the lemon water.

Once done, she came back into the bedroom and placed the glass of lemon water on the small bedside table, before she decided to go and have a shower.

Once she was out, she saw Arnav still sleeping on the bed like a baby with his mouth open.

Unable to resist, she got under the covers and moved up close to Arnav, wrapping her arm around his waist while she rested her head on his chest, before closing her eyes.

And Arnav, as though he felt her presence even in his sleep, wrapped his one arm around Khushi, pulling her closer to him.

Khushi just lay there fully awake, cuddled up to him, enjoying his presence and warmth until the alarm rang half an hour later.

As she saw the time, she knew it was time to get up.

She tried to get out of Arnav's grip, but this time it was almost near impossible. His grip was too strong this time.

Realising she had to wake up Arnav now, she got up from his chest, though she was still in his arms, and called, "Arnavji, uthiye (Arnavji, wake up)"

When he still didn't get up, she lightly tapped him on his shoulder a few times, to wake him up, "Arnavji, get up – it's time to get ready for office," she said.

Arnav groaned as the most peaceful sleep he'd had in many years was now being ruined.

"Sone do naa! (Let me sleep!)" he complained, still half asleep as he turned them both over, so that Khushi was now lying on her back, Arnav's arms still around her as he buried his face in her neck, ready to drift back into deep sleep.

A Heart That Loves... (Arshi FF)Where stories live. Discover now