6| The Lucky & Unlucky Ones

Start from the beginning

I heard Ms. Delores groan. "I hate when he's on, he always wants to drag things out. You're not interesting Sir, the news is." I heard my classmates laughing before she shushed them all.

"Troy Mercier. Big congrats to her."

I jerked my head up so quickly, positive that my eyes were pretty much flying out of their sockets. Next thing I know, the entire class, minus a few, were screaming and congratulating me and I was being pulled out of my chair into multiple hugs. Ms. Delores silenced and calmed everyone down as quickly as she could before she looked at me.

"That look on your face is priceless, Troy. How are you feeling, Sweetie?"

"I-I-" I shrugged, saying a silent thanks when we were interrupted by the sound of the intercom coming on.

"Students and Faculty, I'd like to take a quick moment and ask that throughout the remainder of the day, we take a moment to congratulate our very own Troy Mercier. She's been chosen as a member of a singing group that I'm sure we'll all be seeing and loving very soon. Let me be the first to say that we here at Mt. Pleasant High are very proud of you." He concluded with some random message to the teachers and soon enough, Ms. Delores was focused on me again.

"Well, how do you feel Troy?"

I cleared my throat, speaking honestly. "Not as great as I thought I would." I was thinking of Torii. Sure enough, she was watching just like were. If I know my sister, I know she's hurt and in tears.

When I made it home a little after four, after having a one on one conversation with Ms. Delores, the first objective I had in mind was to find my sister and make sure she was okay. What I was not expecting was to walk into a bunch of festivities, loud talking from relatives I hadn't seen in close to a year, and my sister and parents with huge smiles on their faces.

"Congrats Troy!!"

I looked between the three of them, and back and forth at the guest that filled our living room. "What is this?"

Torii smiled, pulling me into a tight hug after I set my booksack down. "You mean they didn't find a way to sneak a TV into the music room? You got chosen, Sis! Congrats!"

I cleared my throat, thanking them all. "I know. I just thought that-"


I looked at her, frowning a little. "I just thought that you might be feeling down."

Torii smiled, hugging me again. "It's all good Troy. If it wasn't going to be me, I'm very happy that it's you. I'll have other opportunities later on. But right now, this is all about you and we're going to celebrate. And before you ask, Crystal's been in the kitchen all morning throwing down. She cooked all of your favorites."

I let out this strange sound, certain it was reminiscent of Homer Simpson drooling over donuts, and licked my lips. "Thanks y'all. I was not expecting this at all."

"Well if you thought you were coming home to cry and mope with me, forget about it." Torii leaned towards me and whispered. "And just a heads up, Cousin Loc is here and he's already making plans for money that's not his. Watch how he comes at you."

I laughed, nodding my head before walking into our father's arms. "Congrats Princess, I'm so very proud of you."

"Thanks Daddy."

"You're welcome. We got the call as soon as you left for school. There's someone coming to sit and talk with us about what the plans for you and those other girls will be. You already know, I'm not letting you fly out there alone. I'll be going with you."

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