Chapter 1: Introduction

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This is a rewrite of my story Kakashi's Adopted Daughter. I started the story when I was 14 and I have definitely changed since then (I'm 19 now). When reading the comments I realized I would change P.O.V. or get some information wrong and I decided to start over. Some chapters or sections of the story will be the same for the most part but I am going to try to add more information and make the story more interesting. So I hope you enjoy!

Name: Rika

Age: 6 (at the beginning of the story)

Looks: Light brown hair and dark eyes (almost black)

Personality: Rika is shy when you first meet her but once she starts to trust you, she opens up and acts crazy (not as crazy as Naruto though!). She would rather not be the center of attention but after being around Naruto and the others she realizes it's okay to be the center of attention. After spending time with Kakashi she picks up on some of his habits like being late and making ridiculous excuses.

Other information: She is not trusting of others at first because of her past but after living in Konoha and being around the friendly environment of Konoha helps her learn how to trust again.

Kakashi's Adopted Daughter (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now