Chapter III

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Damon, Gemma, and the hunters were ready to leave the Dawnbreak estate. They would be traveling to the Stylinson estate, it was time to allow Gemma to see her brother; Harry. Louis, Harry, and Tyler have been bonding like any normal family would do. However, Tyler has become increasingly stubborn and speaking back to his parents. Louis wasn't going have that behavior in his household, it may be time to disciple his son. Also, Louis finds a small journal in the bedroom; he is tempted to read it. 


Damon and the hunters were preparing in the morning. They planned to leave and travel to the Stylinson estate; it would only be fair to Gemma. She was currently sleeping in one of the bedrooms, no one was to disturb her. They didn't have the heart to wake up the woman; she has been through hell and back. Damon wanted her to rest and regain a small of amount of strength. 

Damon and the hunters were in the main hall, it was almost time to teave. "One of you, go and wake Gemma up!" yelled Damon while pointing to one of the hunters. The hunter nodded and proceeded to go to the bedroom, she was sleeping in. The hunter approaches the door and knocks on it. "Lady Styles, it's time to leave, please get up." The hunters waits for her to respond to his statement, she does, "I will be there in a few minutes. The hunter nods knowing she can't see him and leaves to return to the main hall. 

After a few minutes, Gemma comes downstairs and is greeted by Damon and the hunters. "Gemma, we are going to see your brother; Harry. It will take a little under an hour to get to the Stylinson estate." said Damon. Gemma nodded and smiled, she was excited to see her baby brother. It was going to be an event filled with happiness and joy, both of them believed the other is dead. 

The group was about to leave when Liam and Niall stopped them. "Wait!" yelled Liam while pulling Niall into the main hall. The group stopped and they turned around to face the couple. "What is it?" asked Damon. Liam smiled and spoke, "Please give this to Louis." Damon was handed a letter and hugged by Liam. Gemma tenses up, she still isn't comfortable with the vampire situation. 

The group walks out of the estate and heads to their vehicle. Damon opens the vehicle's door for Gemma to enter the vehicle, she enters it. The rest of the group enters the vehicle and they drive to the Stylinson estate. It was going to take a reasonable amount of time to reach the estate, but it would be a moment with happiness. Damon was worried about Gemma's mental health, hopeful the reunion with Harry would help it. 


Hawk was teaching Tyler one of his new lessons, Harry was with them. Tyler was learning much better with his father at his side. However, he has become difficult to deal with, he will often not listen to Hawk or Louis. He listens Harry without question, Louis didn't like his son's behavior. 

Hawk was trying to teach the child basic skills need for school. Tyler wasn't listening even with Harry at his side. Tyler stood up and spoke, "Mr. Hawk, all of this learning stuff is stupid, like you! I don't understand it and I will never use it anyway. Why must I learn it? I'm leaving!" He stood up and tried to walk out of the room. 

Harry blocked his way and wasn’t going to allow his son to leave the room. “You’re not leaving! You have to learn with Hawk and I.” said Harry. Tyler stared at his father for a second; he knew his father was right. He didn’t want to learn it was boring and it was difficult to understand. Tyler returned to his seat, Hawk and Harry went to the other side of the room to discuss something.

With this chance, Tyler rushed out of the room and went to find his Papa. Louis was the stricter parent, but always protected his child from any and all harm, Hawk and Harry left the room and started to search for the disrespectful child. Tyler continued to run, until he found his Papa. “Papa! Papa! Papa!” yelled Tyler while rushing into his father’s embrace. Louis lifted his son up and the child snuggled into him.

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