Chapter II

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A week has passed since the adoption of Tyler James Stylinson. It was difficult for the boy to adjust to his new life. Harry was helping him with everything, Louis was always attending to the estate. However, he always made time for his husband and son. Hawk was helping with the new child more then any of the other officers. Tyler is going to have his first lesson with Hawk, the boy still doesn't know they are vampires. Louis thought it best to not inform the boy yet. The Night Hunt and Damon have been trying to get to the Stylinson estate for a time now. They have received a disturbing report. The weather was being brutally outside and making it difficult to travel. Similar to the Night Hunt, Liam and Niall were handling their own problems. The new recruits continue to push Liam around and Niall is reaching his breaking point. 


Liam and Niall were in the dining hall of the Dawnbreak estate. They were eating their meals in silence at the officer's table. They haven't elected any officers and don't plan too. It was difficult for Liam to trust anyone, he really only trusted Niall. "Ni, I love you" said Liam while smiling. Niall smiled and continued to eat before speaking, "I ove ou oo." said Niall with a mouth full of food. 

Liam rolled his eyes and spoke, "Swallow, then speak." Niall chewed his food and swallow, "I love you too." said Niall. Liam could never get over his boyfriend's childish behavior, it was so adorable. They continued to eat in silence, until a knock was heard on the door. "My lord, may I enter?" asked a voice from the other side of the door.  

They didn't know who it was, it was most likely one of the new guardsmen. Liam spoke, "Enter." The unknown individual entered the room and their guesses were right. It was one of the new guardsmen, Niall couldn't wait to hear him speak. Every time a guardsman addressed Liam, it usually ended up with Niall yelling at them. 

"My lord, My name is Thomas, the gatekeeper sent me to you. There are humans in front of the estate. They wish to speak to you, should I order them to kill the humans?" asked Thomas. Niall was surprised by the manners this guardsman had. No one in the estate had the manners, he did. "No, I will handle this." said Liam. He left the room, leaving Niall and Thomas alone. 

"So, commander." said Thomas. Niall was confused by what this guardsman was attempting to do. Thomas approached him and grabbed his wrist, Niall tensed up. He whispered into Niall's ear, "I see the way you look at me. You are going to grow tired of Liam sometime, I could be much better then him. C'mon" Niall closes his eyes and just wants Thomas to leave. With Niall's eyes close, Thomas presses his lips against Niall. 

He pulls away before Liam and Damon enter the room. Niall jumps up and runs into the bathroom, he throws up all of his food. Thomas leaves and Liam comes to his boyfriend's side to comfort him. "It's ok, Niall. I knew you ate too much and way too fast." said Liam. Niall wasn't going to tell Liam about what happened while he was gone. It would break Liam's heart and the problem should disappear soon, he hoped. 

Liam helped Niall clean himself up and carried him over to an open seat. The couple takes their seats and Damon speaks, "I have disturbing news for the Stylinson estate, I believe it best, if I tell you first." Liam and Niall stare at him, he continues to recount his recent events.

*Flashback - Start*

The Night Hunt and Damon were searching the Blackstar estate. Only a few structures have been destroyed, the main estate still remained. A report said, hunters could hear cries for help from the estate's ground. However, the hunters searched and searched, they could never locate the cries. Damon looked at the report again, he and his best hunters were going to search the area. They were supplied the materials needed to destroy the estate.

Damon didn't want anyone to be harmed, he thought it would be best to search the estate before destroying it. He remained in thought, until they heard screams for help. He and the hunters rushed into the estate, they listened for the screams. "Is anyone there?" yelled Damon. It was silent for a time, until a faint scream was heard. Damon and the hunters walked into the basement, the screams seemed to be coming from there. 

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