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Learning from Mr. Spindle - 15

Mike POV

I lay here in bed with Tori I still can't believe she my wife. I know she didn't want anyone to know about us because she was afraid I would lose my job but I just don't care. She the only thing that's important to me. I will not hide my love for her anymore. I want everyone to know she the most important person in the world to me.

When I got back to school. I went straight to the headmaster office. I told him all about Tori being my wife and that she don't want me to let anyone know. I told him if he needed me to leave my job I would but I wanted him to know the truth.

He told me to just leave things as they are until she get her diploma. He then said he was glad Tori had someone to take care of her! That he always thought her step dad was hurting her but he couldn't prove it and that she was always so quite and kept to her self so he couldn't find away to get proof. I was shocked that he felt this way and had been trying to find a way to help her.

Now for my surprise for her graduation. I'm going to be the one to call out the seniors names to come across the stage to get there diploma, so when it comes Tori turn look out cause everyone is going know. She my beautiful wife.

I get to the school set up all my papers and the ceremony starts. we hear from a few teachers and the headmaster. We ask that each student say a few words as they get their certificate.

I start calling out the names and the whole time I see Tori looking sad because of the remarks the slut of our school are saying to her. Soon enough they will get what they deserve. When the sluts come up to get there certificate they try to hug me and I just push them away. I can see it upset Tori that they are trying to get with me, but soon enough she want have to worry they will all know I belong to Tori.

When I get to Tori name. I turned to her smiled and say Victoria Love Spindle. Everyone look confused and starts to whisper to each other what did I say that for so I say into the microphone I would personal like to say congratulation to my beautiful wife Mrs. Tori Spindle.

Tori looks over at the headmaster with worry on her face. He smiles and she turns back to me. The slut all look so mad it's really funny I wish there face would freeze that way.

The guys all stand up and start yelling. Tori walks over and looks up at me. I smiled grab her and kiss her hard. I have wanted to do that scent the Frits time I laid eyes on her so every guy here knows she mine and everyone knows I'm hers.

After Tori speak into the mic and said thanks to everyone who help me in school but most of all thanks to my wonderful husband for saving me more than once.

She turn to the crowd and said just to let you know I learnt a lot here but most of all learning to love from mr spindle was the best thing I learnt. Everyone laughed. I happen to look over to see Becky and Cindy face and I laughed because they never had a chance.

I know in my heart I will always do anything to keep Tori happy and safe. She has become my whole life now, and I worry about next week when she has to go to the trial for Steve. I don't want her hurt and I know even though she want say so she scared.

The lawyer told her what to be prepared for at the trail and some of the stuff that would come up durning the trail. Ask Tori if she cared if the gang was at the trial and she said she didn't won't them to look down on her for what she did. I pulled her to me and told her all the guys loved her and not one of them would think that because they all know none of that stuff was her fault.

I told her they just ask cause they want to be there for her and that to them she was there little sister. They all care so much for her.

She was so happy at graduation when everyone found out that she was my wife and that I wasn't getting into trouble. She didn't stop smiling the whole time we were there and then when the guys all gave her the gifts they bought she cried happy tears.

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