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My bruises were still there but I am walking a little better today. It was so peaceful at home last night with Steve gone to the cabin. I went to sleep without worry about him or some of his friends coming in on me. I really needed that rest.

I finished a lot of my workbook pages and did as much work in each text book in all my class trying to stay a head, for I know there will be nights I don't get to do my work so that maybe I won't fall behind. If I can just make it this year I can get out of this place forever. I have to get a scholar ship so I can move far away.

I got all my books and things together and put them in my back pack. Went and got in the shower so I could get to school on time. Just as I came out of the shower I heard his voice scream at me that it's all my fault.

Oh no what did I do now. He bust thur the door and said I lost all my money last night because of you! What? I ask very low. Steve screamed You bring me bad luck and you made your mom die! Now am alone you bitch.

I tried to hold back my tears. How can he say my mom died because of me. She was my hero. I would never want anything to happen to her. He always makes me feel it was because of me and that hurts more than the beatings ever could. It wasn't my fault I yelled. Wait why I do that he will kill me now. With that Steve hit me hard right in the face after about four hits he stopped and shook his head at me. There is no way to hind that many place on my face I thought as I put down my bag there will be no school today.

He pushed me to the floor and hit me over and over until his cell phone rang and he stop to answer it. He told who ever it was that would be fine and to come on over. He got up and looked down on me then said get ready we're having company and your getting my money back.

With that he left me room. I crawled over to my dresser and put on some clothes. Within the hour a man who was in a black suite came in and ask to see the merchandise. They tried some of his drugs and then he ask for his prize that Steve promised to have ready for him.

Steve yells for me to get my ass down here now. When I go in the man looks me up and down. I just want to throw up and beg him not to do what I know is coming. Not that these kind of people care. How can the man that took such good care of me when I was little let men rape me and not care?

The only good thing I can say for Steve is he has one rule no one not even him is aloud to have sex without a rubber. For that I guess I should be thankful. I don't have to worry that I will get pregnant or get some kind of S.T.D.

The man handed Steve a handful of money he looked up licked his lips and grab my hand. He pulled me down the hall to the spare room. When he shut the door to the spare room. He pulled my clothes off very fast with me not even fighting this time.

I was still so sore from my beating I couldn't even move, so he pushed me down on the bed and started kissing down my neck I let my tears roll down my face. I never said a word or let him hear me crying I just lay there hoping it would be over soon. When he was down he run his hand down my face and smiled at me said you are worth the thousand I spent we might do this again soon.

Not long after that he got dressed and he left and Steve came in and said he already made a date to come back next week that I must be getting better at screwing. He laughed and walked out.

I stayed in bed most of the week end and just tried to heal so I could go back to school without people knowing what was happening to me. Not that anyone will even notices I wasn't there.

Sometimes I dream some knight or prince comes in and saves me from my hell I call my life but I know that's never going happen. What would a knight want with a whore like me. That's what my monster has made me. First he took my virginity and now he turn me into something no one would ever want.

I keep asking my self why I don't just slice my wrist end all the pain. Then I think of all my moms dreams for me to become some famous writer. Make sure you dedicate your first big novel to me. That's what she always said with a smile.

With tears rolling down my face I look at mom picture and say Mom I don't think I can hold out much longer. Maybe I should just get it over with and we could be together. Just then my alarm went off not that I was asleep anyway.

I crawled out of bed not taking a shower I had one last night so I could leave fast this morning. I hope I make it out without Steve waking up. When I walked down stairs.

Steve was up and in a bad hang over mood so he just pushed me up to the wall and slap my face saying. Be home on time we have company tonight and pushed my out the door. At least he let me leave and didn't rape me today.

How can he do this to me almost every single week? Don't I get a break? I looked in the mirror of my car and I already had another bruise on my cheek but at this point I just didn't have it in me to care. All I keep thinking is make it thur one more day. Just one more day.

For some reason my heart was now so numb I couldn't even care I just want to make it until I can leave this town and all the memories that it holds. Ok now to get to school what fun fun fun this day will be.

At school no one even glanced at me so no one had seen my face. For that I was glad. When I got to Mr. Spindle class Becky and her gang were all in full flirt mood and I smiled knowing I could slip in to my seat at the back undetected.

I would think a good looking man like Mr. Spindle wouldn't be interested in girls like the sluts that are up at his desk but all men are the same. If they can get laid that's all they care about.

When the bell went off Mr. Spindle started class like nothing was any different so I felt like I was home free, Class went by fast and I thought I could get out of here without him asking me any question that is until it was almost time for the bell to ring and he called my name and said I need you to stay and get the papers and homework you missed while you were out.

I closed my eyes bragging for it to be a dream that I didn't have to stay and face him one on one. What if he asked about my face? What can I say? I will just say I got into a fight at the park. That should work. Ok take deep breath her goes nothing.

The bell had rang and everyone left. I walked up to his desk and held out my hand for the papers. He ask don't you want me to show you how to do them? No I said I can do them my self. I grab the paper and started to leave when he ask what happen to your face?

I turned and said I got in a fight at the park and it's not your business anyway.

I looked up and he was looking into my eyes but he didn't say anything so I hurried out of his class.

Please don't let him start asking a lot of question. Last time that happened Steve thought I told someone and he broke two ribs. He told me if I cause anyone else to start questioning him that he would make me pay dearly.

Learning from Mr. SpindleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang