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Mr. Spindle POV

Tori didn't show up for school the rest of the week and I had a bad feeling that something was wrong. I can't shake the feeling someone is hurting her.

I tried to keep my mind on my job but somehow she keep sneaking back in every little minute.

The slut pack as I like to call Becky and her slut pack were awful today making little comments and try to get me to look up there cheerleading outfits as they open and close there legs in my class. They are such sluts. I would never be with a girl who acted like these sluts act. Tori would never act like that I thought to myself.

After school I went straight home and called John. He said he would be over in a few and I hung up. I was pacing my floors by the time John got here I was so worried. When I let him in the First thing I ask is if he found out anything for me about Tori?

He looked at me and ask if I really wanted to get involved? That this girl has a lot of baggage. I said Yes why? He pulled a face and told me to sit down. I did as he said and he handed me a folder.

I took it a looked at it very close it was file on a man named Steve and it said he was her stepfather. It had a lot of drug changes and gambling ring changes. It also said he was dipping into a bank account that belong to Tori and that the Feds are watching him on suppression of harm to a minor and the list went on and on.

There were some medical reports were Tori had been seen at the ER for falling down steps, getting into fights at the park, that's the same story Tori told me today at school today. I told John what Tori told me at school today and that Now I really do think he is hurting her. What can I do ask John?

He sighed and said nothing you are just her teacher. Unless she tells you he is hurting her you can't get involved. That's when I got pissed why want you help me? He looked at me and shook his head. You are already in to deep aren't you?

John I can't get her off my mind what am I going do? Tell her you know. No I can't do that she will never trust me then. Ok just let me think. After what felt like forever John spoke up.

Mike we could beat this Steve at his on game. What? I asked. We could get to know him get our foot in the door and then make a bet to win her out from under him. He might even just name his price then we can get her out of that house. His file said he would take any beat.

What do you think? John asked I thought for awhile and then told him we need to get all the dirt we can on him, and we will go from there. I told him to have all the guys start checking out to see what they can find out and to let me know everything they find out.

John said he would try and keep a eye on the house maybe he could help or find something to help get her out of the place. I gave him a man hug and told him thanks and he left me to my thoughts.

How can I protect her now?

I have to try to get close to her so i can get her to let me help. Now I need to try and get some rest so tomorrow I can start my plan. I just hope she will be at school. It's hard to go to sleep not knowing if she safe tonight or if he is beating her as I sit here in my safe warm house.

I called John and ask if he could send a unmarked car by to check the house and see if it looked like she was ok. He said he was already on his way to go by there and that he just pulled on to her street. He said there was no one up that all the lights were off so I could rest for now.

I got up early and called the gang to meet me at the warehouse. When everyone got there I told them more about what John and I had found out and that I need them all to keep tabs on her stepdad so we might find away to get in to some of his poker games. If we can get him to trust us we might have a chance to save her.

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