Chapter 31

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I try to force myself to not look down, I heard it just makes the experience that much worse. I thought the whole your whole life will flash right before your eyes moments prior to your death crap was going to happen to me, but it doesn't. All that's going through my mind right now is, I was going to die anyway, might as well it happens now rather than later. I feel Blaze's hands intertwine with mine, and I squeeze his hand trying to tell him that he was the closest I ever came to actually loving someone. I close my eyes and rest my head on Blaze's shoulder, prepared for impact, but it never comes. Instead, I hear a loud screech roaring through the sky, as large claws dig into the roof of the car. The force was so strong, that my head hits the roof of the car, making me lose my balance. I look out the window, and gasp. We're flying.

"What on earth is going on?" Stacy shouts, her voice frightened and confused.

"Is everyone okay?" Blaze calmly asks, ignoring Stacy. He looks around, making sure that everyone is still in one piece, then furrows his eyebrows, and asks, "Where the heck is Dex?"

I get up from my seat and stick my head out of the window to look at what it was that had saved us. And when I see it, I freeze. My entire body goes stiff, unable to believe my eyes. It's huge, fiery wings cut through the sky; it's gorgeous golden fur looks livid and heavenly, as though this bird, no, this falcon, was sent down from heaven to come rescue us. I have never seen anything so utterly breath-taking before. But the one thing I can't stop staring at is its eyes. They're black, but the rim of them are a dark blue, and runs as deep and as mysterious as the ocean. I stare into its eyes, a sudden wave of familiarity running through me. I know I've seen those eyes before, but where?

I feel a hand touch my shoulder, and I turn my head to see Blaze perplexed, "What is it?"

I shake my head at him, at a loss for words. How can I possible even begin to explain what it is? I lick my lips and say, "You have to see it for yourself to believe it."

Blaze furrows his eyebrows, and sticks his head out of the window. The others instantly doing the same.

Nick sits back down in the passenger's seat, his face pale, "What is it? Where did it come from?"

"I've never seen the likes of it before, and trust me, I've seen and studied a lot," Devon retorts, looking at Joy, checking if she's ever seen this falcon before. She shakes her head, her eyes still wide open in shock or fear, or perhaps even both.

And that's when it hits me, I know where I've seen those dark eyes before. I quickly stick my head out of the window once more, and whistle at the falcon, trying to get its attention.

"Lexi, what are you doing?" Blaze hisses, knowing that I tend to make bad decisions at the worst of times.

The falcon stares at me, those dark eyes sending a cool shiver running down my spine.

"And here I thought you didn't have a heart. What a shame you had to prove otherwise, eh, Dex?" I shout up into the air, wanting to make sure that he heard me. Dex lets out another loud screech, clearly unhappy that I discovered his little secret. I smirk at him, then let out a loud laugh as Blaze pulls me back into the car.

"That's a pure it's true form," Nick blurts out, unable to believe his eyes.

I nod at him, my eyebrows raised, "I don't know, I thought he'd look more impressive." I say, shrugging. Dex then moves the car strongly to the right, making all of us squish into each other due to the strong force. I accidentally elbow Blaze in the chest, and he lets out a soft grunt. Oops.

"I think he heard you," Joy whispers, her elbow digging into Devon's side.

I stick my head out of the window again and shout, "Grow up, you big baby." I come back in and cross my arms. "What's the big deal anyway?" I ask, now irritated.

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