Chapter 9

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** Picture: Head Master Ren **

Chapter 9:

We walk through long, high-ceilinged corridors. The walls look old and rustic, but have a beautiful feel to them – like walking through castle corridors. There are hundreds of pictures of men and women of all different ages hanging on the walls. And right above the pictures, words of admiration are carved into the wall which gives it a stunning touch.

"Who are they?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Blaze turns to look at me and sees me staring at the pictures.

"Well, some of them are professors, and some of them are charmed ones who lived before us." He says, shrugging like it's no big deal.

I nod very slightly and press my lips together. I'm still not sure what to think of this place, but after my meeting with the Head Master, I'll know for sure what my next move will be. Maybe if I like it, I'll consider returning after I check up on my father and Debs. Everyone here seems awfully professional and well educated, I highly doubt that I'll be able to fit in with them. It's not like my high school was any better, but at least I fit in with everyone else.

We walk in silence until we reach a long flight of stairs. We begin climbing it and finally reach a set of massive double doors made out of hardwood. I look up to the ceiling and realize that I can't see where the door starts. Why in the world would someone want such huge doors? Even so, I'm extremely impressed.

"Here we are." I turn to see Blaze leaning on the wall next to the massive doors, his arms crossed.

"Right, thanks." I mumble, as I walk towards the doors.

Blaze grabs me by the forearm preventing me from moving forward, "Wait," he says. I turn to look at his face and I can see that he's fighting a battle inside his own head.

"About what happened last night, just forget I said anything, okay?" his eyes are bright with worry, and I feel a tinge of sympathy towards him. Whatever it is that he's hiding, whatever truth that he's trying to keep bottled within him, it's clearly driving him mad.

I open my mouth to say something, but I'm interrupted by the sudden movement of the massive doors. Slowly, they begin to open and I'm greeted by an old man with grey hair. At first, I thought that I was standing before the Head Master, but after eyeing him from head to toe, I could tell that he's a butler. He's wearing a black suit and white gloves.

"Miss Hafner," he says with a slight bow of his head, "We have been waiting for you." He ushers me into the room, but I hesitate for a moment when I realize the Blaze has turned around and starts walking away. I suddenly start to feel nervous by his absence and wish that he was coming in with me.

"Oh...I um," I stammer, while taking turns looking at him and turning around to look at the back of Blaze's head.

"Mr. Kash," the butler calls out, "the Head Master has requested your presence in the meeting as well." He has the most calming English accent that I've ever heard.

I pray that the relief I was feeling didn't show on my face. I turn to sneak a quick look at Blaze and notice that his face has gone pale and his mouth was set in a straight line. If I didn't know any better, I would say that the Head Master was someone Blaze was afraid of.

I turn towards to door and follow the butler. We walk into a spacious room with brilliant lighting. It takes my eyes a while to adjust to this new bright light. To the left of the room, hundreds of books are assembled in a neat fashion. I have never seen a library as gorgeous as this before. And to my left, a beautiful fireplace stretches along the wall.

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