Chapter 29

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We spend the rest of the night going over the plan, each of us playing a role that can blow this entire operation off its hinges if one of us fails. I tell them how Dex isn't being controlled by Lord Codd and how he was the one who told the Head Master of the book's whereabouts, and not Nick. At first, Blaze was hesitant to believe Dex's words, but after I told Blaze that the voices I was hearing were of Dex's doing, he agreed and we unanimously settled on filling Nick in with the plan details. We need him for this work. I just hope that he can forgive me...again.

The next morning, Head Master Ren announces that everyone can resume the rest of their daily routine, however, they are forbidden from taking anything out of their dormitories. I guess that means they haven't searched Blaze's room yet, since they haven't found anything. We just need to keep it hidden for a few more hours, then we'll be long gone and they can keep searching for the book until their eyeballs fall out for all that I care.

I walk into the cafeteria at breakfast, looking for Nick. I finally find him sitting with the last person that I ever thought I'd see him talking to, Stacy. I walk up to him and he frowns when he sees me approaching him, "Hey," I awkwardly say, "Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask when he doesn't greet me back.

He stares at me for a moment, debating if this is a conversation worth his time, he finally looks at Stacy, smiles and says, "I'll be right back." She nods once, then looks at me and scowls. I roll my eyes at her and come close to flipping her off, but decide against it. I really need to stop making enemies at this stupid school.

Nick and I leave the cafeteria, but he stops when we're just outside the door and crosses his arms, "What do you want Lexi? Come to blame me for all the natural disasters too?"

I sigh, letting his snarky attitude slide, he has the right to be angry, "No, I came to apologize to you. I should've defended you,"

He scoffs, "Yeah, but you didn't. Why the sudden change of heart? Did Blaze ask you to apologize? Seems like you're at his beck and call nowadays."

I take a step towards him, reaching out for his hand, but he flinches it back, not wanting me to touch him. I press my lips together, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me.

"We're escaping tonight," I tell him, suddenly wanting to get as far away from him as soon as possible. I hurt him, yes, but he's the only friend I have, and him treating me like this, it burned me more than I thought it would. "During the time of the Choosing, if you decide to help us, then go talk with Joy as soon as you have a spare moment, she'll fill you in on the details." I turn around and start to walk away, but he stops me by grabbing me by my forearm, spinning me around. I fall into his arms, his lips less than half a centimeter away from mine. He's going to kiss me, should I allow it? What would Blaze think if I do? I look into his mesmerizing gray eyes, my hands resting on both his shoulders. He looks back into mine, but he doesn't move an inch. Finally, he takes a step back, his eyes sad.

"I still don't forgive you for betraying me like that, in fact, I don't think I ever will." He swallows, then takes in a deep breath, "But I'll be there tomorrow, only because I made you a promise that I'll help you find the answers that you've been looking for." His voice comes out raspy, but confident. I nod once and bite my bottom lip, still unsure about what had just happened between us. "Oh, and I'll be bringing Stacy as well, she can help."

I gasp, my eyebrows now pinched together, "What? No way...don't tell me you told her."

He shrugs, "I told her some things, plus, she's one of the Euraz, she can be useful to us."

I shake my head at him, my thoughts confused. I didn't take Stacy joining the club into consideration, and I honestly don't know how the rest of the group will take this slight change of plans. But above all things, I find myself angry with him for sharing my secret without my consent.

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