Chapter 22

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I walk into the cafeteria during lunch time, my entire body aching and ready to collapse on me any second now. I find a table, and rest my head on it, exhausted.

"Oh, my God, are you alright," Nick says, genuinely worried about me, "What happened to you?" He sits down next to me, forgetting all about his crutches, which fall onto my head.

I sit up, and scowl at him, "You are so lucky I like you, or else I would've knocked you out cold," I hiss, through gritted teeth.

Nick laughs softly, "Sorry, seriously though, what happened?"

"Blaze," I spit out, "That's what happened. I think a part of him enjoys seeing me suffer. He's like a psychotic, hothead who's literally drowning in his own ego."

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad," He's smiling through his words, clearly finding all this hilarious.

"He made me run around the entire school, five times, and when I'd fall from exhaustion because my legs wouldn't carry me anymore, he'd threaten to tell all the students that I wet my bed every night. And since he's the Head Maters son, everyone is sure to believe him," I say, my voice rising and my anger getting the best of me.

Nick bursts out laughing, then quickly covers his mouth when he sees the literal death stare I'm giving him.

"Sorry, Lexi, he really is awful, but you got to admit that's pretty funny," he's giving me a menacing look, smirking. I shake my head at him and turn my face so he wouldn't see me smile. "Come on, let's go get some food, that usually tends to lift your spirit."

"Fine, but only because I need my energy for tonight's party," I say, sighing.

Nick abruptly stops, and starts shifting awkwardly while staring at his feet, "I actually wanted to talk to you about that," he begins, "What do you say we ditch it, and watch a movie instead? It'll be fun, I'll get the popcorn and you can pick the movie, anything you want."

I narrow my eyes at him, something happened, I can just feel it. But for some reason, he doesn't want to tell me, which hurts me more than I care to admit. I cross my arms and tilt my head to the side, trying to read him, "But, you were looking forward to it, what happened?"

"Nothing," he quickly says, "I just thought it would be better if we spend the night indoors."

I put my hand on his shoulder, forcing him to look at me, "Come on, Nick, I know there's something you're not telling me, what is it?"

He takes in a deep breath, "Stacy and her minions, they approached me this morning after you left, she said some stupid things..."

I cut him off, "About me?" I ask.

He looks at me, and nods, "And about me as well; she's such a horrible person."

I take a moment to consider his offer, and then I make up my mind, "Nick, if I let every single person who talked shit about me bring me down, then I'd be holed up under a rock for the rest of my life. I don't care what she said, I still want to go to the party, and I'd really like it if you would come with me," I try to keep my voice leveled, hoping it'll convince him.

Nick looks at me, still trying to decide if this is the best option, he finally nods and smiles at me, "It would be an honor to go with you."

I smile back, "Of course it would, have you seen me?" I gesture to my face and body dramatically, and Nick laughs as we make our way towards the cafeteria line. After getting our food, we sit back down, and I immediately start stuffing my face.

"She wasn't always like this, you know," Nick says, a sad look on his face.

"Who, Stacy?" I ask, when Nick nods, I continue, "What happened between you two?"

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