Chapter 13

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I leave Nick in the cafeteria once my stomach has been satisfied with all the food that it will allow. We made plans about meeting up for dinner, and I find myself looking forward to it. I rack my brain trying to remember where exactly the boxing ring is, I usually have an incredible memory when it comes to taking directions and remembering past events, but this school is so massive, it takes me a while to recall. But of course, I end up finding my way, I always do.

My heart starts to beat a little faster as I make my way outside, and find Blaze inside the boxing ring doing push-ups. I can't help but notice how his muscles flex under that black shirt that he's wearing. If he weren't such a douche-face, I might have actually considered having a crush on him. Pull yourself together woman. Pft, a crush? There's no way that would ever happen. As I reach the ring, I cross my arms and cough quite loudly in order to get his attention. Blaze looks up and half a second later, he's on his feet with that stupid smirk back on his face.

"What, are you waiting for an invitation? Come in." he says, as he slaps his hands together dusting them off.

I roll my eyes as wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans, then climb up into the ring. "Let me guess, it got lost in the mail?"

Blaze scoffs, "I'd have to had actually sent you one for that to have happened. And trust me cupcake, I don't think that highly of you."

Ouch, that one actually stung. And if I had a little bit of wits on me, I would've let this go. But knowing me, I never back down from a good fight.

I start clapping my hands as I make circles around him just to add a dramatic effect to the amazing show I'm about to perform. Blaze here, just entered a very dangerous territory, with a pinch of poison. "Wowee, look what we have here ladies and gentleman, a stuck up high school boy," I put emphasis on the word boy, "with a wannabe Disney prince haircut, who actually thinks he's better than everyone else around him. Little did he know, that not only can I beat him in a fight, but he also struggles to find clothes that actually fit him." Okay, that might have been a low blow, but the douche-face had it coming, so there's no way I'm going to feel guilty about this. A few students have gathered around at my little performance, and some of them are snickering under their breaths. But majority of them are shocked beyond belief at the scene that has just unraveled before them.

Blaze crosses his arms and gives me a blank, stern look. "Are you done?" he asks, his voice as low as death.

I refuse to be intimidated. Curse my stubborn head, what did I just get myself into? I give him half a smirk and stare him straight in the eyes, "Oh, I'm just getting started, cupcake."

His eyes narrow and he moves as quick as lightening. One second he's standing there with his arms crossed and a face that told me he was ready to send me to the lowest pits of hell, and the second, he has me pinned to the ground, his weight crushing my body. I stare into dark green eyes that are inches away from my face, my heart in my throat.

"Rule number one," Blaze says, in a low voice for my ears only, "You cannot, and will not, ever beat me in a fight. Rule number two, never take your eyes off your target. And rule number three," he leans even closer to my ear and I can feel his breath on my neck, "Call me a boy again, and it will be the last thing you ever say." He stays there for a few more seconds thinking it over in his head if it's a good idea to let me up. He finally rolls over and he's up on his feet, completely recomposed as if nothing just happened. I stay laying on the ground for a while longer, trying to calm my breathing. I finally get up, my anger reaching levels I don't think it ever reached before.

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