Chapter 25

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*** Picture: Heart of the forest ***

I wake up the next morning, excited, yet dreading my training session with Blaze. I walk towards the boxing rink, and see Blaze talking to none other than Nick himself. Oh no, this can't be good, I start to jog, eager to find out what they're discussing. When I finally get there, Nick and Blaze climb down from the rink, their faces not revealing what it was they were just talking about. However, one of the two scenario's is a given, either they're ready to start killing each other, or they're willing to call themselves best friends forever.

"Devon found a clue," Nick says, now smiling. I look at Blaze, but his face is blank. I wish I knew what he was thinking, that poker face he keeps giving me is literally driving me mad.

I look at Nick and smile back, "That's great news, I can finally get some answers."

"They said to meet them at their lab after school, don't be late," he gives me a quick hug and rushes to class.

I wait until Nick is out of earshot, then look back at Blaze, hoping to get a reading from his face expression, but I come out empty. If we're ever going to talk about what happened last night, it won't be me who brings up the topic. If anything, he should, since he was the one who kissed me first.

"Can't believe Devon found a clue, maybe then I get to go back home. I mean, I know it won't be the same without my father, but I'm sure he'd have wanted me to be happy and-" I begin, but Blaze cuts me off before I can finish my sentence. Just as I expected him to do.

"You can never go back home, this is your home now, and it always will be," he retorts, determination in his eyes. He then turns around and walks towards the boxing ring, and starts to get ready for our morning run.

I run after him, determined to know what his deal is, "That's not up for you to decide. I'm turning eighteen in a few months, and then I can do whatever the hell I want," I say, after we've run for about fifteen minutes or so. We're in the heart of the forest now, where no one can see us argue.

"You can't just leave, you're not allowed," he hisses, narrowing his eyes. We both stop running, trying to get a better look at each other.

I scoff, "Yeah, I can. Nick told me that Protectors are allowed to leave once they turn eighteen."

He takes a step towards me, gritting his teeth, "You take one step outside these walls, and you're dead. Maybe I should stop wasting my time by training you, seems like you're going to get yourself killed anyway."

My eyebrows shoot up, "You do realize that once Devon finds out where I can find Elena, I'm out of here, right? Even if it's before I turn eighteen."

Blaze takes in a deep breath, like he's sick and tired of arguing with me over this, "Elena will kill you once she figures out what you are, and that's if Codd doesn't get to you first."

I scrunch my eyebrows together, confused, where all of this is suddenly coming from? When we talked about this in Devon's lab, Blaze seemed like he was on board with the plan, why the sudden change of heart?

I shake my head at him and take a step back, "Blaze, if you're not going to support me on this, then I don't want you there when Devon gives us the news."

He crosses his arms over his chest, mulling over his next words, "You said your dad would've wanted you to be happy, right? Well, how are you going to do that if you're dead?"

I grit my teeth and take a step towards him, "You don't get to talk about my dad, not now, not ever, understand?"

His eyes harden and his shoulders go stiff, "You're not leaving this school, Lexi, not until I decide that you're ready. And that's a promise."

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