Chapter 19

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I walk around the school, trying to find my way to the hospital wing, where I'm assuming is where they're keeping Nick. I ask a few students for directions, some of them take one look at me and run in the other direction, whatever the hell that's all about, and others just stutter, not really sure why it is I'm talking to them. Only one student gives me directions by pointing to the end of the hall and then very quickly tells me to take a right. If I didn't know any better, I'd say these students are scared of me, but why? I haven't physically injured anyone, yet, so I don't see why they're so frightened. But perhaps it's a good thing they are, keeps them out of my way.

I finally find my way to the hospital wing, and I sigh, hating the smell of it. When my father was first diagnosed with leukemia, we visited the doctor's office a few times a week, until one day he decided he didn't want to go in anymore. They kept calling my house for a few months, trying to talk my dad into changing his mind, but once my dad made a decision, he stuck to it, no matter what. I remember once asking him to reconsider, and never brought it up again. I was selfish, because I wanted to spend every second of every day with him, and him being in the hospital would take that away from me. Besides, he specifically asked me not to pressure him into going, so I didn't.

I walk in and see the receptionist sitting in the front desk, on the phone. When she finally hangs up, she looks up at me and says, "Can I help you?" her voice comes out dry and bored, like she'd rather be anywhere in the world but here, and I can't blame her. Being around sick people all the time can take its toll on you.

I cough to clear my throat, "Yes, I'm look for Nick Spencer, is he here?"

She looks through her computer before answering, "He's in room 211, you have twenty minutes before visiting time is over."

I nod my head to confirm that I understand and walk away. When I finally find room 211, I peek inside to find Nick reading Moby Dick.

"I must say, you have a pretty good taste in books," I say, while smiling, "And I don't give compliments out too lightly."

Nick looks at me, his eyes wide in shock, but he quickly recovers and smiles back at me. That smile can easily melt the heart of a tyrant, it would have worked wonders on me, but I already threw away the key that locked up my heart.

"Then I shall treasure this moment till the day I die, it could be the first, and the last, compliment I receive from Lexi Hafner." He smirks, and closes his book. I walk towards him and give him a warm hug, which he returns, then sit on the side of the bed next to him.

"I heard what happened to your ankle, are you alright?" I ask, while biting my bottom lip.

Nick laughs, and tilts his head, "It's going to take more than a sprained ankle to bring me down."

"This coming from the same guy who can't ride a bike, right?" I say, while smirking. Nick cackles and throws a pillow at me, which I easily catch and sit on. "Thanks, I needed something to rest my butt with."

Nick laughs and bows his head, "Happy to be of service, my lady," I bow back, my smile never fading.

"So what happened? How did you sprain your ankle?" My voice comes out a lot more urgent than I expected it to, but Nick doesn't notice, instead he just shrugs and avoids to meet my eyes.

"It was actually a lot more embarrassing than anything else. I saw a little girl who needed help, so I ran towards her trying to get her out of harm's way. The soul eater, it came out of nowhere, I grabbed the little girl and started running, but she tripped, and so, I tripped on top of her, spraining my ankle. If it weren't for Blaze, I don't know what would've happened." He's still avoiding my eyes, his cheeks growing red, a part of me thinks that this is when I should be a good friend and comfort him, but then, what would the fun be in that?

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