Chapter 7

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We sit in the car in complete silence. Neither of us foolish enough to open up the topic we were just discussing in front of a third party, the driver. But soon enough, I'm determined to find a moment alone with him to ask him what he meant by that last comment.

Does he not trust the people he's working with? From what I understood so far, he's taking me to a school, but which school exactly I'm yet to find out. I look out the window every few seconds trying to memorize the route we are taking, just in case I need to get myself out of wherever I'm going, I would at least know my way back. At first, the street names looked familiar, but now that we have been in this ghastly car for over an hour, I don't recognize any of the street names or the buildings. Maybe trusting Blaze was not the smartest thing I've ever done, but I'm here, and soon enough, I'll have answers.

I take a chance and peek at Blaze who's still staring out of the window, deep in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about? Does he think it was a bad idea to trust me? Or maybe he's thinking about our last conversation. Whatever it is, I decide not to interrupt his train of thought. I lean back onto the car seat and close my eyes. Maybe I can sleep for a few minutes, after everything that has happened today, I don't think I have ever felt so exhausted. But I doubt I'm going to fall asleep in a weird car, next to an arrogant, hot guy and an unconscious psychopath. But within seconds, I'm sound asleep.


I wake up with someone, or something, shaking me, "If you're not up by the time I count to three, I'm carrying you inside." He pauses for a second, then, "One..."

I open my eyes to see two mesmerizing emerald green eyes looking back at me, with messy dark brown hair slightly covering them.

"Two..." he continues, getting closer to me, and stretching out his arms as though wanting to carry me. Oh, my God, he was actually serious about that. I come into consciousness about the reality of the situation I'm in and try to sit up. But my body quickly gives up on me. I'm aching everywhere and every cell in my body is drained and exhausted.

"Three. I'm coming to get you." He says, as he slips one arm under both my knees and the other under my neck. He then picks me up from inside the car and begins carrying me towards the building. I look back into the car, my eyes half closed, and notice that Dex isn't there anymore.

I think about yelling and screaming until he puts me down, but I'm afraid that I'll collapse the second my feet touch the ground. I lean my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath. His scent is musky, like air, and something earthy – like soil. I can't really explain the feeling that suddenly washes over me, but it felt a lot like safety; as though being in his arms is exactly where I'm supposed to be. I'm sure in the morning this emotion of being in safe hands is going to be long history, so I let myself enjoy this precious once-in-a-lifetime moment.

Blaze walks into a building that I'm still unable to identify, then leads us though a long hallway, talks to someone about clearing up a room, then continues walking. After a few minutes, he puts me down on a single bed that smells like clean laundry. He then turns around and begins walking away. I don't know why, but I don't want him leaving me all alone in a room I've never seen before. If I was fully conscious, I would never have admitted to anyone that I'm terrified of being here, but given my current situation, I could just blame my moment of weakness on that.

"Please, don't leave me." I say, my voice low and weak.

Blaze turns around and stares at me in complete silence. For a minute, I thought he was going to laugh at me and tell me to grow a pair. But instead he adjusts an arm chair that was next to the bed and sits on it.

"I'll stay here until you fall asleep." He says. It might have just been my drowsy brain, but I could have sworn there was some warmth in his voice.

"Thank you." I say, and close my eyes. 


This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I still hope that you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! :) 

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