Imagine Fred Being Too Embarrassed To Bring You Back To His House.

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"Okay, I'm warning you it's a bit small, so everyone's going to be very crowded." For the millionth time, Fred started warning me about his home and his family.

"Fred, I don't care! I'm just excited to-"

"And my mother might smother you, so if you need air-"

"Fred, you know how much I love smothering. I won't care!" I smiled at my boyfriend, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Besides Fred, George groaned and made vomiting noises. "You two, just get a room!" Ginny slapped his arm playfully while Harry, Hermione, and Ron all giggled to themselves.

The train slowed to a stop at the station, and I looked out the window to see a man and a woman, both with red hair, peering into each of the train cars as they passed. I guessed they were Fred's parents, and I got very excited to meet them. Mrs. Weasley had sent me a knitted sweater for Christmas with my first initial stitched onto the front, even though she had only heard of me through Fred's letters to her.

Grabbing my suitcase, I made my way out onto the platform, with the rest behind me.

"Y/N!" The red-haired woman came barreling towards me, the man at tow. She tackled me with a hug, and planted kisses all over my head. "Y/n, Fred has been non-stop writing to us about you!"

I laughed as Fred pulled his mother off of me. "Hello, Mrs. Weasley. It's so nice to meet you!"

"Oh, honey, I am so happy to finally meet you!

The man finally got a chance to step up and say, "Hello, y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Fred withstood a bone-crushing hug from his mother and stood with his arm around me as we watched everyone else get loved by Mrs. Weasley.

"Honey, I just do not know what my boy did in order to convince you to go out with the likes of him! I mean, you're so polite, and kind, and just wonderful! I mean..." Mrs. Weasley kept talking and talking to us, not that I minded. Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George whispered among themselves while Harry and Hermione cast knowing looks between each other. After what seemed like no time, Mr. Weasley pulled up in front of a small, old-looking house in the countryside.

"Now, y/n, you'll find that our cottage is small, but you'll have so much space outside to hang out in!" I smiled and replied, "I'm sure I'll love it, Mrs. Weasley."

I stepped into the house, my suitcase in hand, and almost dropped it when I saw the interior. Everything was cluttered together, but in a magical way, with brooms and mops sweeping past me on their own, pots and plates tucking themselves in cabinets, and birds flitting in and out of the open windows. In the middle of the room was a clock, with all its hands sliding towards "home".

In awe, I stared open mouthed at everything, wanting to soak every bit in. Fred came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.


I turned slowly to face my boyfriend, face still frozen in an "O" shape. He chortled at me, and pecked my forehead. "So I guess that's a sign that you like it here?"

"Oh, Fred, I love it!" I threw my arms around him, and laughing, he swung me around. I couldn't believe how unbelievably happy I was to be spending my summer holiday with the Weasleys.

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