12. Give Me Some Rope I'm Coming Loose

Start from the beginning

"Hey come on. Don't be like that. What just happened was amazing," he sad as he joined me on the couch and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ya but then you went and reminded me your married," I said.

"Ok let me point somethings out here for you. There's a bag behind the couch full of clothes. There's a couch and a blanket here. There's a mini fridge with snacks and water in it. This stuff wasn't here last night," he said.

Now that I thought about it, I didn't see the couch yesterday when I walked in on him.

"Why is this stuff here?" I asked.

"Jordyn kicked me out for not comign home last night," he responded. "She also saw a text from Taylor and confronted me about it."

"What did the text say?"

"It said 'Are you gonna tell Jordyn about the kiss last night?' She said 'Who did you kiss last night' and I told her what happened. Now I'm not allowed back at all. Gonna stay here until I can find a place," he responded.

I felt terrible. I really was a homewrecker. On top of loosing Kara, I wrecked a family unit.

"Maybe if we both talk to Frances she'll let you stay. We kinda had a deal but I'm sure she'll understand and change her mind," I said as I reached for my phone. I dialed Frances as I put my bra and shirt on. I was reachign udner my shirt to hook my bra when Frances picked up.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" she asked when she answered.

"Ya I'm gonna be ok but I kinda need to talk to you with someone else present. Are Tyler and Kevin still at the house?" I asked as Dave reached under my shirt and hooked my bra for me.

"No they just left. Are you gonna ask me if Dave can stay here? Taylor texted Tyler and told him Jordyn kicked him out and he was staying at the rehearsal space," she said.

I pulled my jeans on quickly before repsonding. "Kinda. Please Frances. I did this and I feel terrible," I responded.

"Ya fine. No sex in this house while I'm in it though," she said.

"Deal. Thank you Frances. We'll be there soon. Bye," I said and hung up. I turned arounda nd saw Dave was dressed. "Thank you for helping me there."

"It's what I'm good for," he said with a smirk and a wink.

"Grab your stuff we're going gome," I said as I grabbed my purse. Dave grabbed his stuff and we headed to the cars.

15 Minutes Later

I pulled into the drive way and got out. Dave parked beside me in the drive way and got out. I headed towards the door as he got his bag out of the trunk. I opened the door and walked in and was immediately hugged by Hunter.

"You fucking scared the shit out of me. I'm so sorry that happen," He said after he let go of me.

"I'm sorry I just took off. I ran. You know what I mean," I said and gave him a look.

"I get it," he said as Dave walked int he house.

"Dave is staying with us while he finds a place of his own. It's as a favor to Britt," Frances said to Hunter as she walked into the front room. She walked over toem and hugged me. "I'm so sorry."

I hugged her back. "Thanks. Sorry I stole your car. It's exactly the way it was before."

We ended the hug and she looked at me. "I was more worried about you than the stupid car." We both laughed. Just then the door bell rang.

"FOOD," Hunter yelled.

We all ate the pizzas that Frances had ordered. Dave paid as a thank you for letting him stay. We all sat around making jokes, laughing, eatting pizza and sharing random little stories. We eventually moved into the living room and started playing a board game. Hunter won 3 times.

"Ok that's it. Go to bed. I'm tired of losing to you," Frances said laughing.

"Dude it's not fair. You win everytime," Dave said as he put his arm around me again. We had been sitting on the couch like this all night. It felt normal and natural. Frances and Hunter didn't even seem to notice after awhile. I sat there and smiled just listening and enjoying the happiness around me.

"I can't help it that I'm good," Hunter said as he stood up.

"But seriously go to bed so we can go shopping for anything you want to put in your room," Frances said as Hunter walked behind her.

"Yes ma'am and thank you again," Hunter said as he headed up the stairs.

"Now that he's gone, us three need to talk about this. I got some questions. Let me ask them all before you say anything," she said as she saw I was about to speak. I closed my mouth and she continued. "Are you going to share a room? Britt, you have three rooms, one of which is Hunter's. Dave can have one of yours or stay with you. I don't care. Are you guys together now? Did you guys have sex? What about Jordyn? What about the kids that are involved? Are you gonna be looking for a place right away?"

"Well Jordyn and I will decided what to do. The kids will stay with her and until I get a place, I can rent a hotel room if I ever get them for a night. I'll start within the next couple of days. I gotta go back and get the rest of my clothes and pack up my things. Once I find a palce I'll let you know when I can move into it. I appreciate you letting me stay here. It means alot," Dave said. "I'm cool staying with her if she wants and she can tell you about that when I'm not around. We still need to talk about what we are."

"Ya he can stay with me. No sex while she's in the house," I responded.

"What if we're really quiet?" Dave asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't wanna hear it. I'm heading to bed. Britt, I took the master bedroom and the one to the left of it is my studio. Hunter claimed the one to the right. The two at the other end of the hall are both yours. It's not a problem Dave. My dad wouldn't have wanted me to turn you away. Good night guys," Frances said as she stood up, walked towards the stairs and headed up them.

We both decided it was time to go to bed as well. We both had alot to do tomorrow as well. I would probably go shopping with Hunter and Frances. The idea of heading over to Jordyn and Dave's to help Dave pack gave me a headache. We ehaded upthe stairs and towards the two bedrooms left over. There was a bathroom at the end of the hall and one by what was now Frances's art studio. I opened one door and then walked to the other one and opened that door too.

I walked into the last room I had opened and the view was the street below. There was a desk and a dresser. No bags in here so I walked into the other room and there they where on the bed. I looked out the window and the backyard and a beautiful view of some tree covered hills. This was my bedroom. I walked to the bed and took my bags off of it. I sat down and just stared at the floor. Dave came and sat down beside me.

"How you holding up?" he asked.

"As good as I can be," I responded and looked at him. "Thank you for giving me some rope." I smiled.

"Okay that was adorable," he said and pulled me in for a kiss. This was a soft, sweet and meaningful kind of kiss. "Come on let's get some sleep. Busy day tomorrow."

I went to the bathroom with my pjs and hairbrush. I closed the door behind me and got changed quickly. I was exhausted after all that had happened. I didn't know what to think anymore. As I brushed my hair I looked at myself in the mirror. I decided to just take things as they came from here on out. Whatever happens, happens. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. I turned around after closing the door and saw Dave in the bed. This was a sight I could get use to.

"Come on beautiful. No funny stuff tonight. Just sleep I promise," he said as he patted the empty side of the bed. I crawled into the bed and cuddled up to him. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes. Dave kissed my head and snuggled closer to me as we both fell asleep.

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