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Katy walked into the ER oozing confidence. Nothing could spoil her mood not only did she complete all her courses a year early but she was finally graduating medical school. And several hospitals out of state were interested in her.

She was so excited she couldn't wait to share the news with Jessie and once she reached her office she was slightly disappointed to see that it was empty.

"Hey Janice!" Katy briskly walked towards the nurses station. "Where's doctor Martin?"

"Oh you didn't hear." She deadpanned, "She's under investigation for her affairs."

"What?!!" Katy wasn't understanding any of this.

Janice clamped a hand over Katy's mouth. "Shush, I don't know fully what they are looking for but it has to do with you. Katy, they are threatening to take her kids away."

"They can't do that."Katy said angrily, "I need to go check on her."

"You cant we're already short on staff, which means you'll be working double. Her patients are now yours." She informed.

"What the hell?? Are there no other surgeons on call?"

"Everyone's work is getting tripled. You'll have to see your little girlfriend once your shift is over." Janice said ending the conversation at that.

Katy felt that her shift was dragging on and she was working twelve hours instead of eight because it seemed that there was a endless amount of paperwork and patients to look after. She wondered how Jessie did it all by herself she was exhausted just by staring at the stack of paper on her desk.

She didn't have many surgeries today, mostly just er runs and looking over Mri's. Which she was greatful for. All she wanted to do was go see Jessie which would be happening any minute now, as she packed her things her shift was nearly over and she was eager to drive home taking a detour to Jessie's home.

Once Katy was clocked out she bid farewell to her colleagues before heading off towards Jessie's house wanting to know what the hell was actually going on. Jessie has been nothing but an excellent mother to those boys by herself, no one would dare take them away from her right?? They couldn't do that?

Not even an hour later she pulled up to Jessie's, ringing the door bell, her stomach turning as she waited for her to answer not knowing what to expect.

The door swung open and a very casually dressed Dr. Martin came into view. She stared at Katy quizzically. "What are you doing here?"

Katy didn't know that possessed her to do it, but her next actions were something she wanted to do for so long. She crashed her lips onto Jessie's in a fiery kiss. It was passionate and possessive Katy was claiming Jessie as hers. The kiss made Jessie submit and follow her lead. Which Jessie never thought would happen she was the one always in control.

Katy pulled away briefly catching  her breath, she kissed her again only this time slowly, savoring the moment.

"Wait," Jessie mumbled against her lips."What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing." She breathed, "I just need you like you need me right now." her hands enclosed Jessie's waist letting them roam across her back and eventually down to her ass as she gave it a tight squeeze.

"Stop." The trauma surgeon moaned, "I have something to tell you."

Katy ignored her trailing seductive kisses down her neck loving the taste of her skin. The Next thing that flew out of Jessie's mouth really startled her.

"My mom died."

Katy was frozen in place, "W-what? When? We just saw her!"

Jessie remained stoic as she explained, "There was an accident, she was hit while crossing the street she died on the scene."

"I'm so sorry.." Katy eyes held sadness as she gazed up at her girlfriend, "How are you holding up?"

"Just fine." She answered no particularly emotion displayed on her face. "She was a bitch and filed for custody of my kids. They're starting an investigation."

Katy's eyes widened, "They can't do that right?? You're their mother."

"Not biologically." Jessie saddened.

"Bullshit." Katy said firmly, "Just because they don't have your blood running through them doesn't mean you aren't their mother. They adore you Jessie."

"What if they start to resent me because I'm always working?" The trauma surgeon wondered, "What If they tell the court they want to live with their grandparents?"

"They won't." Katy affirmed.

Although her stubborn girlfriend didn't believe her and shook her head. "You don't know that, for all I know they could be miserable."

"You're over analyzing this. Making it worse than it really is."

"Oh, am I?"

"Yes, please stop."

"I just... If i lost them in court I don't know what I would do with myself. I promised her i would take care of them and i failed." Tears were welling in her eye lids. She was completely exhausted both physically and mentally

"Stop it, no one is going to take those kids away from you! I can promise you that." Katy proclaimed passionately.

She wiped the lone tear that slipped from Jessie's eyes. "I love you and we'll get through this together ok?"

Jessie nodded, letting her girlfriend lead her into her house. Their night was full of passionate love Making, and for a split moment it made her forget what was to come.

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