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Dr. Martin woke up the next morning only to find that she had a beautiful dark haired women laying on her naked chest. She sighed the pounding of her head stilling her body. She drunk way too much last night and now she was feeling the repercussions of her careless actions.

She took a moment to look over Katy that was sleeping soundly next to her and she was in awe, at the same time her heart ached. She was feeling so many different emotions at once. The one that came often was regret. Regret that she promised herself never to get involved with anyone ever again after she was hurt the last time. Regret that she was going to have to make it clear to Katy that what happened between them could never happen again.

She remembered bits and Piece's of last night, the rest of it was a blur. She slipped out of Katy's arms beginning to put her clothes on. She had to go, her kids were probably worried since she never returned last night.

Jessie didn't leave a note or kiss her goodbye, she just hurriedly left calling a uber to pick her up. She should've never crossed that boundary with her and now it was all over. She enjoyed what they did, the way they fit perfectly together, the way Katy touched her and made her feel. That was the problem, she liked it too much.

It wasn't good for her and it certainly wasn't good for Katy. Jessie destroyed everything she touched, and Katy to her was pure, despite the way she was in bed. Everything about her screamed innocence. She was too nice for her own good and kind hearted at that.

By the time Jessie reached home her kids were dressed for school and the nanny was fixing them breakfast. When the boys heard their mom stumble in both of them sped off to find her.

"I win!" Titan shouted.

"No, I win!" Elijah challenged his brother.

"No, I win right mommy?" Titan pouted. Looking at his mother's disheveled state he frowned, "what happened to you?"

She forced a smile, "Nothing sweety. I'm going to take a shower and take you to school today because I'm off how does that sound?"

"Yay!" both of them cheered running off.

Jessie took some aspirin before hoping in the shower, her mind kept replaying last night over and over again in her head. The look on Katy's face when she made her cum over and over again. She quickly shook those thoughts out of her head.

It was just sex!

Getting dressed in a plaid shirt and some dark pants. She tied her hair up and put on a baseball cap. Going to fetch her kids so she could take them to school.

The next day at work Katy didn't say one word to Jessie. She kept her distance while they were looking over their patient mri's. While they were in surgery Katy just observed and when Jessie needed her, she of course helped. And that's the only time the two would interact, was in surgery.

Jessie found it odd that she didn't ask for an explanation, she seemed unbothered by it. That made Jessie wonder, was she the only one affected by that night? was she the only one that constantly thought about it??

The silent treatment went on for a week. And what bothered Jessie even more about it was that Katy was being short with her and if she seen her coming into even the break room she left. She was tired of the ignoring game and missed Katy's smart remarks and barging into her office when she pleased. She missed her smile and flirty behavior.

She handled that situation wrong and she had to fix it, because she couldn't take this pretending to not know each other any longer. Jessie thought she would be able to handle it, clearly she was wrong. Katy found a way to sneak around the wall she built up. She found a way to enter her heart after being alone for so long. Knowing that Katy wasn't going to come willingly she paged her to her office.

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