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Like Jessie said once both women were clocked in their relationship changed. Jessie went back to her bossy, closed off self while Katy on the other hand tried her best to act like Jessie's attitude wasn't bothering her.

Everything was going good until they were in surgery, the patient had a tumor which was one of Katy's specialties and yet Jessie questioned her judgement and embarrassed her in front of the team of doctors.

Their patient ended up dying on the table because of the tumor that was leaking. Now not only was Jessie frustrated and angry that her patient died, but now she had to break the news to the parents of the twenty year old. With all her years of practice she still found it the toughest part of the job. Informing the waiting family that their son, cousin, father, husband, didn't make it.

"We need to talk." Katy grumbled, suppressing her anger poorly. She followed her girlfriend into her office slamming the door behind her. "What the hell was that back there??? I was trained in this field if we would've went through with my plan he could've survived!"

Jessie's eyes darkened, her body going stiff, "Are you blaming his death on me?? The tumor erupted, we could not stop the leak in time."

"Do you really think that you tried everything you could to save him??" Katy stared at her in disbelief. "If we would've gone through with the craniectomy like I said none of this would have happened."

Jessie didn't like the tone in her voice and she was bewildered that this intern had the nerve to question her judgement?! When she's been in the field for almost twenty years. She took a step closer locking eyes with the outraged neurosurgeon. "Dr. Moore I think you've forgotten where you stand. You don't get to question me, you're the intern this is your first residency. So I'd advise you to watch the way you talk to me."

Katy was feeling bold and for some reason the warning brushed off her shoulders. "I'm the neurosurgeon, you're the trauma surgeon. His tumor was in his brain therefore it was my call and you completely ignored it."

Jessie was done talking to Katy she wanted her out of her office before she said something she'd later regret. "Get out of my office, I can't stand the sight of you right now. Maybe you should reconsider some things Dr. Moore."

Katy clicked her tongue walking towards the door, "Oh, I already am Jessie."

The two didn't speak for weeks after their argument, and the week turned into a month. Their relationship, if there was even one was non existent. Katy wouldn't even look at Jessie longer than she needed to and even asked to transfer to a different part of the hospital.

Jessie was trying her best to seem unbothered by it, although she hated the fact that their work life was affecting their relationship. They might not agree on some things, Jessie just thought that it was silly for them to stop seeing eachother just because of something that happened on the job.

Katy's words struck her, she found herself second guessing decisions she made. That was never the case before, only now she was more hesitant about the type of surgeries she performed. Jessie walked into the break room grabbing her salad from the fridge and a coke. When she noticed Katy sitting off to the side with one of the nutritionist from upstairs.

They were sitting oddly close and the smile Katy wore while talking to her made Jessie's stomach turn horribly, an unfamiliar feeling coursing through her veins. Her eyes were burning Into Katy's back like a hot iron. Seeing through her as she glared at the women who didn't even acknowledge her.

Just when Jessie was turning around to leave she heard her name being called."Dr. Martin! Would you like to sit with us?" She forced a smile greeting Bella who she's seen a few times around the hospital.

"I'll just go back to my office, I'm clearly not wanted at your table wouldn't want to interrupt you guys lunch." Jessie said bitterly.

Bella's eyes furrowed, she turned her gaze to Katy who was looking at them. "We don't mind right Katy?"

For a moment Jessie looked into Katy's eyes and they showed sadness. It made her heart clench, there was a sudden longing between the both of them. "Sure I don't mind."

Jessie hesitantly took a chair on the far side of the round table sitting across from Katy. She kept her gaze low as she played with her salad no longer hungry. An awkward silence fell between them.

"So didn't you used to work under Dr. Martin?" Bella asked Katy breaking the silence. "I heard you guys were close why transfer?"

Jessie's jaw locked as she waited for her answer, "We just don't agree on some things." Was all Katy said.

Bella snorted, "It must've been one hell of an disagreement you guys haven't even acknowledged eachother since Dr. Martin sat down."

"It's because she's being childish." Jessie muttered.

"What?" Katy quirked an eyebrow, "I didn't catch that can you speak a little louder?"

Jessie narrowed her eyes, "If you didn't hear me then Id advise you schedule an appointment with the otolaryngologist. Clearly you're having hearing lost."

Katy slammed her fist down on the table her to eyes blazing with fury, "I've had enough of your smart ass comments and insults. When you said you were going back to your old self I didn't think this. You have been a complete bitch to me and everyone here! We're all sick of it. "

"And i thought after our night together it would change your outlook on things but clearly it went in one ear and out the other. You can't act like I'm your world for a weekend then when we clock in treat me like garbage and to think that I was actually questioning myself for you." Katy scoffed, trying her best not to break down into a puddle on the floor.

Jessie sat stiff as a board in her seat her lips forming in a thin line, she stared intently at the women in front of her that she missed so much although she'd never admit it aloud. She wanted to fix things between them but after that outburst she didn't know if she could.

So she did the one thing that seemed logical in their current situation. She got up from her chair cupping Katy's cheeks kissing her passionately on the lips. So much passion that Katy was actually forgetting what she was angry about and focused on the fluttering of her heart.

Katy was in desperate need of air, and by the looks of it, it didn't look like Jessie was giving up her game of tonsil hockey anytime soon. "Jess-"

"Shut up." Kiss.

"But-" again she was silenced with a kiss not like she was complaining. She wanted to yell at her and push her away, ranting about how she can't just kiss her and assume things are better between them because in fact that wasn't the case Katy was still mad.

Jessie pulled away licking her swollen lips, "You're so sexy when you're mad."

Katy rolled her eyes fighting the smile that was forming on her lips. She wouldn't give in that easily.

"Listen I'm sorry." the trauma surgeon sighed, "I shouldn't have questioned your judgment. And I agree with everything you said I admit that I'm wrong and I promise I'll open up about working with other surgeons."

"Andddd." Katy singed her eyes shinning with mischief.

"And, I missed you so much please forgive me?"

"Sorry Hun but you're going to have to work for it." And with that she left a wide eyed Jessie speechless.

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