"Hey Lucy, its Jackie you there" I radio her. "Hey what's up I need some help" she said. "What do you need". "We need some help getting supplies and working out some plans on building up watch towers like you said to do". "Alright I'll send over someone to help you get start" I told her. " Thank you Jackie I'll be on the lookout for them" she said. "Hey Victor I need you to go over to BMCC and help them out a bit" I ask him. "Sure no problem I'll head out now" he said. I saw Victor a few minutes later leaving the school and wave to him. "Thanks for doing this Vic be safe" I told him. "No problem you save me and I guess I'm good at building shit" he said with a smile on his face. We let him through the gates and I watch him leave. "Just sent someone Lucy". "Thanks again" she said and I force my watch back out to the street. Ten minutes later I saw Claire down the block and wave to her. I saw that she had some more poeple with her and two carts and some box of whatever she had find at the 20th.

I jump off the tower to go open the gates and to help her out. "Claire who are these people?" "They are from the 20th and cops, they are good people and can help out on runs and garud watch" "Alright well I'm Jackie and I run this place and you three are?" "I'm Bobby I'm 22 and I just start working at the 20th I'm a rookie not even a month on the job when this all start" he said. "I'm Harry I'm 35 and I am a army vet and I tried to save as many as I can from this thing" he said."I'm Will I'm 44 and the captain of the 20th and how is someone like you the leader when you barely reach five foot five" he said and laugh. I just look at him with my coldest glare and point my weapon and shot the growler that was coming up from behind. "Thats how im the leader" and I walked away. I just saw Claire smile and walked through the gates and dropped off the stuff they have grather. "We are heading out for our second run see you soon Jackie". "Alright be safe call if you need anything." she nodded and walked down west 78th street to where the 20th was. Soon after she left Erin and his group came and I nodded and he left his things to get back out for more. An hour later Jimmy came with the clothes and some other things."What do you got there Jims?" I said. "Okay so don't get mad but we went further down and find a shop with army clothes and military grade stuff" he said. I look piss and he knew it so I didn't say anything and just glare at him. He made a sound and rush in and went running out to finish another run before the sun goes down. I look at Luke and he just smile. We've been on watch for about five hours and and in that time our three teams all made one run each and were now coming back from there second run and calling it a day.

Soon everyone was here expect Victor because her was helping out Lucy and in a week and a half I will be meeting with her and Ken to get to know each other and work on ways of living together and facing problems and threats. We did inventory and and food check and to see what we need and assign everyone a weapon besides the kids. After checking everyone and regrouping and talking to my co-leaders about what they saw and encounter and talked about helping Lucy build up BMCC and any news from the outside if Ken reach it. After our meeting we went to the lunchroom where Kari and Dani were cooking up some dinner and I went to go help them serve it. After everyone had gotten some food I grab my and went to sit with Tabi but Riley was sitting next to her instead. I smile at that because Tabi was only close to me but I was happy to see her reach out to someone other than me. I sat down next to them and dug into my soup and can fish. It wasn't the best but it was the best we could do until Erin builds that greenhouse on the roof of the school. After eating I call everyone to a meeting and sent the kids to bed. "Okay we need to find more medical supplies and food. I look on the map of the city we have and that all of you show see on the halls of this place, are mark with recruiting stations and such where we could find MREs, which are meals ready to eat and if we can find that we can get some more food that will last longer" I told them. "I see where you going with this" said Harry the new guy. " We also need to stay away from hospitals, I know I said we need medical supplies but there are free clinics around when good stuff that haven't been clear out yet or even open so we also need to find those as well, and I mark twenty or so place on the maps for us to check out, they are most in Zone C while the stations are in all the Zones, so after since we have new members we can look for more supplies and maybe find new people as well, we are here to save and try to live until the fucking government sends out supplies via drops." I said and ended that meeting. This also meet everyone who wasn't on guard shift had to go out but I wouldn't send inexpensive people out unless the wanted to go.back to them safe and sound.

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