Chapter 3

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I looked at the unusually clean apartment and let it sink in for a second. My eyes widened and I whipped my head over to Dimitri who was now looking at me curiously. I began to button up some of the buttons of my shirt, earning me a quiet chuckle from Dimitri. 'Coffee?' He asked, tapping his foot as he waited for the supposedly 'instant' coffee to brew. Whilst he waited, he told me I was free to look around and despite feeling uncomfortable in a strangers house, I was too curious to ignore the offer. 

I went to the bathroom to inspect myself, finding only what I expected to see. I didn't look terrible but I sure was far from looking good. I was in more of a worse or wear state and I wasn't surprised when I saw the heavily shaded black circles under my eyes that even concealer couldn't cover up. I glanced to the sink and, to my surprise, I found a hairbrush on the sink. I wouldn't be surprised if a girl had left it here- Dimitri seemed to be the man that would attract girls. The thought made my stomach sink and I tried to ignore the weight pulling me down as I grasped the brush with my left hand. I brushed it through gently and began to tie up my scruffy hair with a stretched out hairband hanging from my wrist. I pulled it up into a skillful bun, my brown hair melding into an oddly perfect shape. 

I left the bathroom and took a quick look around the corridor but decided not to be as nosy as to peer into his bedroom so, instead, I returned to the kitchen- a room only separated from the living room by a slim row of counters.

I stood awkwardly as he finally began to approach the sofa, two cups of coffee in hand. 'Make yourself at home, it's your birthday after all.' He smiled at me, gently and I returned it warmly. The feeling of a smile on my lips comforting yet unfamiliar.

'I did decide that despite being against it, I put something in it as a present. I have nothing else to give you and you seem to have a liking to the substance.' He smiled distastefully but let me take a sip. I was shocked to feel a sharp burning in my throat. I recognised the feeling, though- vodka. I giggled childishly and smiled brightly against the rim of my mug. Dimitri was such an odd character and I was yet to determine just what he was like. He seemed so forward yet so much of his personality led me to believe he was shy or at least introverted. Yet, he had invited a seventeen-year-old girl to his house and it seemed that neither us really had any idea why.

'It seems today went better than expected.' I mused, taking another sip of the odd-tasting coffee. 

'Despite being unsure of why I did this and what will happen if someone finds out, I'm glad that you're enjoying your birthday.' He didn't smile but his lips quirked and I soon found out that was the smile he used for everyone. What I had seen before was reserved for me and I couldn't fathom how in just the few minutes I had known him, I had brought that out of him. 

'Who would find out?' I asked, timidly, looking up at his stony expression.

'Friends.' He shrugged, not making any continuations to his point.

'You have friends?!' I feigned shock, hiding my smile as I heard that gentle laugh for the first time- the one, just like his smile, that was reserved for me and only me. He had chuckled sure but his laugh was different. His laugh was warm, welcoming. I was entranced by his laugh and in the few seconds it lasted, I found myself lost within the moment.

'I like your laugh. Singular not plural, that was the first time I heard it.' He laughed again, letting himself relax and I couldn't help but smile and chuckle along. I was glad that the tension had cleared and despite this whole situation being an utter mess, I was glad that it was him who found me. He was kind; I hadn't found many people in my lifetime that were simply just kind.

'It's not a common occurrence; I can ensure you that.' He chuckled, the warmth still there but so faded that I already felt a longing to hear his laugh again. I was truly hypnotised by this man and I wasn't sure what I could do.

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