Friggen Jerk!

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  • Dedikert til Mrs. Brickett and Mrs. Z

Friggen Jerk!

Friggen jerk! How could this have slipped his mind!? Friggen JERK!

Yea, that’s basically been my thought process for the past hour or two. Lucky for me though, Percy’s still in a meeting with Chiron and this ‘Nico’ guy. Which is good, because otherwise I’d have to put effort into avoiding him. But of course all good luck has to come to an end, for the conch horn is blowing. Signaling the start of dinner.

And the silent treatment starts now. The stupid clone was already at his table -correction, our table- and obviously waiting for me. So naturally, I ignored him as we got our food and burnt our offerings, and ignored him with every attempt he made to start up a conversation. Why, you ask? Because I’m stubborn!

“Would you please talk to me?” Percy asked for the seventeenth time in six minutes, I should know I’ve been counting.

What!?” I finally replied, but only because he was starting to get annoying.

Percy looked surprised that I’d finally answered him, but he recovered quickly and said “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Okay? Now can we get on with out lives?” he asked dramatically, but laughed all the same.

I smiled “Fine, but only because I’m going to have to see a lot of you.”


Another one?” I asked Chiron.

Chiron looked at me with worry “Another…two.” he said “And for some reason, these two can’t be sent back.”

I glanced over at Nico surprised “They just appeared about five minutes ago. They seem to be half bloods this time though.” he explained.

“So now half bloods are being affected as well?” Annabeth asked.

Nico nodded towards the door, it opened revealing two teenage girls that looked only a little younger than myself. One was slightly taller than the other, she was blonde with sea green eyes. Her hair was straight and slightly messy, but in a stylish messy kind of way. The other was shorter and looked younger. She had raven black hair with grey piercing eyes, her hair curled exactly like Annabeth’s.

“This is Zoe and Bianca…” Nico began.

“Johnson.” Zoe finished.

“Past or future?” Annabeth asked.

Bianca seemed to glance at Annabeth before murmuring “Future.”

This wasn’t too much of a surprise. Ever since Kronos was defeated, time has been a little screwed up. People from the future, and occasionally past, have been randomly showing up all over camp. Usually Chiron can send them back right away. But then again, we haven’t had half bloods travel back before.

The rest of the meeting was as usual. Reprimands for letting cabins stay up too late, and for taking too long in the showers. Updates on new training methods and new weapons. And before I knew it, the meeting was over and we were heading to the dining pavilion.

Diana was sitting at the Poseidon table. When I sat down though, she acted as if I wasn’t even there. She sent out the occasional wave to another table, or a small smile. But to me; nothing. Harsh.

“Would you please talk to me?” I asked for about seventeenth time in six minutes.

What!?” She finally replied, but I figured only because I must be annoying her.

I was mildly surprised that she’d answered me, I could clearly see this girl was even more stubborn than I am “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Okay? Now can we get on with out lives?” I asked dramatically, but laughed all the same.

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