The Rainbow Wars

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  • Dédié à Shelby Dunphy

The Rainbow Wars


So I get to my new school figuring things would be pretty easy. Artemis told me that I shouldn't have to worry about monsters finding me this year, therefore maybe I'd be able to last the year without getting expelled again.

It's not like I was aiming for the furnace...

Anyways, so I figured I'd be fine. Nothing supernatural to worry 


Boy was I wrong.

First I get in class and I see the clone dude, then found out his name's Percy. (Percy the clone)

Anyways so I'm getting along with Annabeth and the clone pretty well, who (of course) have ADHD and dyslexia as well. And in gym class I even played a prank on the popular girl who was picking on Annabeth.

Probably shouldn't have done that.

It turns out Barbie over there was actually hosting a demon, not that she even realized it. And (of course) that demon just happens to be the very demon who kidnapped me as a baby.

Then that demon attacks us with balls of fire, and what do my friends do? They pull out deadly weapons from their shoes and pants pockets and try to fight it. Who knew?

So I come to my senses and yank on a charm from my necklace, the only thing I have from my real family, and my silver bow materializes in my hand. I pull back on the string and a silver arrow appears out of nowhere. Cool right? Thank Artemis.

So then the tomato demon notices my bow and I get overwhelmed by a feeling of nervousness. It didn't last long though since I was bombarded by surprise and confusion from my friends direction.

Then of course the demon tries telling me that my mom's going to die unless I cooperate. HA!

So all in all, I shot her and sent her to the fires of hell.

Then we look around and sure enough the mortals are running around screaming and acting like the world is about to end, so we grabbed our stuff and ran.

We ran all the way until we were getting close to the Empire State Building. When we rounded the corner of a street and I saw it up close, it was strange. The second I saw it I could feel energy.

The Daughter of Posiedon(ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant