The Real Rose

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After last nights events, Charlie and I cuddled and talked. Rose never came back with my baby from what I know. But I had already fell asleep when the thought came to mind.

I woke up to Charlie softly snoring away. I tried getting loose of his tight grip but I couldn't so I just laid there staring at him. I could really get used to this. I started thinking about us becoming a thing permanently.

"You like what you are starting at?" I blinked snapping myself out of thought.

"Oh....well I mean it doesn't get any better than this face right here." I said as I pointed to my face. Charlie scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"My face is like a goddes." I rolled my eyes keeping the smile on my face.

"More like gargoyle." We both laughed and got out of bed. I snatched the over me once I saw him staring at me.

"Kaylee I have already seen your whole body. Why are you covering yourself up?" He asked as he stalked towards me.

"It is still different okay?" Now I am going to take a shower WITHOUT you okay?" He looked at me a bit disappointed but nodded. I knew he was playing so I just dropped the covers from off of me.

"Happy now?" His eyes widen and then he smirked.

"You shouldn't have done that." He stalked towards me and I smirked at him.

"Oh really and what are you going to do about it?" Before He could say anything I claimed his lips as my own. And we lost ourselves in each other.

After we were done doing our business we just talked 'till the afternoon.

"Alright Charlie I need to go to the shower. You are not coming with me and I am taking the cover with me." Charlie sighed running his fingers through his hair.

"Alright fine fine." As soon as Charlie said that we heard a paint barking and then a shush.

"Rose?" I asked opening the door keeping the covers on me. As I opened the door Rose fell because she was leaning on the door listening. But I wasn't focused on her. My baby was back.

"Aww hey baby." I said picking up Muffin and he licked my face.

"You know he isn't a real baby Kaylee." I turned to Charlie and scoffed at him.

"Until I have one he is my baby." Charlie smirked and was about to say something perverted but Rose interrupted him by taking Muffin out of my hands and gesturing for me to take a shower. I took Muffin back and headed for the bathroom.

I took Muffin in the bathroom with me and of course he wanted to come in but I filled the sink with water and put him in there. He swam around and barked from excitement.

I hurried in the shower before he got water everywhere. When I got out of the shower Muffin was still swimming around happily. I got dressed and did my hair and gave him a bath. He loved it unlike other dogs. I dried him off and we left the bathroom. Rose and Charlie were talking but I ignored them and went to the kitchen to feed him. I looked everywhere but there was no food anywhere for my baby.

"Looks like we are going to have to go to the store for some honey." I walked to our bedroom and Muffin followed me.

"Where is Muffin's food?" Charlie's brows shot up and Rose rolled her eyes at me. I ignored her though.

"Rose would love to go with you to get some. She was talking about how hungry she is anyways." I pursed my lips and frowned but nodded. I got a really bad vibe from her. I grabbed my wallet and got Muffin and headed to the car. 


Soon Rose, Muffin, I were driving to 'Pets Smart.' I was feeling uncomfortable from the awkward atmosphere in the car so I start up a conversation that didn't last long at all.

"You know what Rose what is your problem?" Rose looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Seriously Rose just yesterday you were all happy and giggly. Now we are back to square one." Rose scoffed but didn't answer me. I shook me head at her and though 'what did I do to this girl?'

"Is there anywhere in particular you would like to eat at?" I asked turning into the Pets Smart parking lot. She still didn't answer me so I got out and got Muffin. There was no way in hell I was going to leave Muffin and her in the same car.

I went in and got some food, a leash, and a chew toy. I went to the cash register to find Lily... again.

"Lily?" She looked up at me and sighed.

"Hi Kaylee how did you find everything?" She asked faking a smile. I turned to see a huge guy staring down at Lily. So I was guessing that was her boss. 

"I found everything just peachy. Don't you work at Charlotte Russ?" She scowled at me and I pursed my lips from how uncomfortable I was. She rang up everything for me and Muffin and I headed to the car. 

I knocked on the door because Rose was sleep. She jumped and unlocked the door for me. I put Muffin in the back of the car and since earlier she didn't say where she wanted to go I pulled into Mama Joe's.

"Why are we going here?" She asked with annoyance all in her voice. I turned to her and my widen.

"You have to be fucking kidding me right now Rose. I asked you earlier and you didn't even answer me. So don't even, your hungry I will go in with you." I said getting out of the car and getting Muffin. There was a sigh outside out Mama Joe's that said 'Pet Friendly'. Rose finally got out of the car and we sat outside. 

"Rose.... what is going on?" Rose looked up at me from her phone and rolled her eyes. 

"Nothing Kaylee." She continued to text whoever she was texting before. I took the phone out of her hand forcing her to talk to me.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked putting her phone in my purse.

"You really want to know?" She asked and I nodded. Just then our waiter came and took our order.

"Let's start off with drinks. What would you like to drink ." She asked ready to write down our orders.

"I will have the Frappuccino." I said sending her a soft smile that she gave in return. She turned to Rose who smiled brightly at her.

"I will have water please and thank you." The waiter wrote it down and told us it would be here soon. Once she left I turned back to Rose.

"What the hell is your problem?" She laughed bitterly and looked at me.

"I don't have a problem. I have an issue." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean?" She let out an sigh and was about to answer my question but the waiter came back with our drinks. 

"Would you guys like to go ahead and order your food or you need a little more time?" Th waiter asked us. There was no way I was going to allow my question get away from Rose again.

"No we need a little more time thank you." I hurried up and said before Rose could answer. The waiter nodded and left

"Now what is going on Rose? And no bull." I stated being completely serious. If this was my friend she needs to be okay. She looked at me and sighted.

"Fine I would have rather you not to find out but here it is....." I started to sip on my drink and listen to her. "I am in love with Charlie." I spit out my drink all over her.

"You said what now?" I asked making sure I heard her right.

"I-I am in love with Charlie." My eyes widen and I shook my head. 

"No no no no no. You aren't your lying this is a dream." I said pinching myself. Rose shook her head at me and smiled.

"It's not. I am, I wish I wasn't.... but I am." I shook my head feeling so betrayed. I grabbed Muffin and shook my head one last time.

"How could you do this to me? What kind of friend are you?" I walked off and I could feel a tear run down my face. I quickly wiped it away I was not a weak girl I was strong and this was some bullshit.

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