Sisterly Love?

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By morning Lexy and I finally awoke. I cook her breakfast and then give her two pills to sooth the headache she probably has. I finally ask her what has been bothering me this whole time.

"Lexy why where you at Charlie's house?" I said with narrowed eyes. But she kept a blank face.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She says in a very mature tone.

"Please don't play dumb with me. I had to go to Charlie's house and get your drunk ass." I raise my voice angrily.

"Listen Kaylee I honestly do not remember any of what you are taking about." She says with a straight face. I roll my eyes because in my head nothing but shit is coming out of her mouth.

"Lexy all this partying is going to have to come to a stop.... Or I will have to kick you out of my home." I say nervously. I know my sister she gets angry easily, and fast. I could tell by the look in her eye she was pissed off.

"If you can't deal with it then go fuck yourself because this is me!" She tells at me.

"Well if this IS YOU  I think you should leave.... at least until you get your shit together!" I shout because now I am MAD. She looks at for a moment then she pokes her tongue from the inside of her mouth. Then she smirks and leaves.

But before she leaves she says "Hope you know what you are doing Kay." And she slams the door. That shakes me. I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong... and go to work.


After thinking long and hard about what Lexy said to me I had to know what she meant by that... It bothered me.

"Dallas?!" A loud yet obnoxious voice yells from behind me. I focus my attention to no other than... Dina. I force a smile on my face while in all reality I could punch her in the face.

"Hey Dina I didn't see you there." I say sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at my comment.

"As if. You were sleeping with your eyes open... Again!" She snarls. I give her a questioning look.

"Sleeping... With... My.... Eyes... Open?" I ask slowly as if it us processing in my mind.

"Sounds like gibberish to me." I laugh but Dina is not happy.

"I don't have time for your childish act!" I laugh even harder at her. I mean she is acting like I give a crap. After what felt like 2,000 hours of laughing I finally snap back at her.

"Honey please. The only thing childish is your ego, so please go somewhere with your life." I shouted in her face, ya know just to make sure she knew I meant business. She stared at me with a very shocked expression on her face. I dusted myself off and sat back in my seat. She continued to stand there and I allowed her to. I wasn't going to stop her.


"Well Dina you don't have enough evidence to fire Ms. Dallas." Our manager sighs in frustration because this is about the 100th time she has called him "complaining" about me.

"Sir you don't understand she is-"

"Oh I understand very clearly Ms. Lopez." He snaps at her. She is left speechless and that is when it hit me.

I can make my own business. I can save up enough money to get it started and then from there I can do stuff with my money.

"Um... can I leave now?" I ask anxiously. She rolls her eyes at me but nods her head.

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