Making Amends

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I was sitting beside Charlie listening to his dry humor but also staring at my sisters retreating form. It tore me to pieces seeing my sister like this, but I knew if I gave her space she would soon come back and say sorry... at least I hoped so.

"Whacha thinking about?" Charlie asked playfully breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh... nothing. Anyways-" 

"I know when something is not okay. You can tell me believe it or not I am a great  listener." He said forcing an awkward smile.

"Well first it is my sister. She is insane when it comes to drinking. She has been doing it since we were teens. She partied, drank, and smoked a couple of times. And the worst part is she thinks everything is okay when it really isn't. I am scared for her life." I said pouring out my feelings.

Charlie just stared at me confused because of how fast I said that. But to be honest it is a great thing to get off my chest. 

"So... it is like a problem for her?" He asked interested... or so it seemed.

"Yeah since we were about... 14,15 years old." I said nonchalant.

"Where were your parents during this time?" He demanded.

"They had left for some time." I said avoiding his gaze.

Charlie cocked his head to the side. And narrowed his eyes at me.

"Your parents left for some time? Kay parents don't take a break from the life of parenthood-"

"They took a break okay?! Now drop it." It said dryly. Charlie stared at me for some time before giving in.

"Ya hungry?" He asked trying to lighten the mood. I nodded in response try to clear all of the images of my childhood out of my head.


I examined the menu for a while, until I noticed Charlie had been staring at me the whole time. When he noticed I knew he was staring he quickly turned to his menu. I held back a laugh and continued looking at my menu. moments pass by and our waitress comes and takes our order and takes our menus so now we have no choice but to engage.

"So when did you get interested in business?" I asked breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Well let's see... I always was street smart and I wanted to manage my own money and no one have hold of it so.... since I was born." He said serious, then he and I both broke into a huge laugh. "But when did you think of owning your own business?" He asked as his laugh faded.

"Um... well let's see " I was mocking him. "I have always loved working at the LAPD and enjoyed my co-workers... but that was until Dina became a total witch. And during one of her 100 attempts to get me fired I realized something. I could make my own business and not have to deal with Dina at all." I said laughing at the last part. 

"So I was thinking and I know it is none of my business but I think you should make amends with your sister." He said sipping on his beer. I nearly chocked from his word. I loved my sister but make amends with her. Wouldn't I seem... well fake?

"I don't know Charlie, I have had enough of her and all that comes with her." I said crossing my arms across my chest. Charlie quickly sent me a flat look.

"Look Kaylee making amends with her doesn't mean you have to deal with her. But it means that when she need you she can call you. Instead of you staying in the position you two are in and she needs you and looks back at the moment when she was kicked out of the home. You see what I am saying?" He said tonelessly, it was as if he was trying to hint something to me. But me being me I didn't quiet catch the hint he was giving me.

"Yeah I mean I guess..." I trailed off at the last part.


After that pep talk with Charlie I went home and showered. While I was in the shower Charlie's words kept playing in my brain.

'Look Kaylee making amends with her doesn't mean you have to deal with her.'

I ran my fingers through my hair thinking. Should I really make amends with her? I mean yeah she is the only family I have left but that doesn't make a difference in the world. Does it? I finally pushed my thoughts to the back of my head so I could get out of the shower. I dressed and looked in the mirror. This wasn't the Kaylee Dallas everyone knew. The determined one, the caring one. My heart ached at the thought of anything happening to my sister and me not being her first contact. Too focused in my terrible thoughts I didn't notice a tear had fallen down my cheek and I was soon sobbing. I knew there was no way I could go to sleep having my sister made at me or me feeling a pit in the bottom of my stomach.


"Hey..." I said trailing off.

"Kaylee what the hell do you want?" my sister said with anger in her voice but I could hint the hurt in her voice.

"Lexy I called to make amends with you." I spoke quietly.

"Make amends? Kaylee you are fucking kidding, right?" She yelled through the phone.

"Listen Lexy... in order for me to move on with the future, we must forgive those who have wronged us in the past." I said wisely. While on the other line I heard no sound. "Lexy?" I asked a bit worried.

"Kaylee I guess we can make amends in person... once you mean it. It is more than obvious that your new boyfriend has set you up to do this." She said dryly to me before hanging up. 

"Well so much for making amends." I said a bit hurt by my sisters response. Honestly I had a lot on my plate and my sister wasn't making it any better and never did. All I needed was a good night rest.

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