The Truth

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After dinner Charlie and I went to the spa and had our own romantic dinner. He brought his computer so we could watch a movie which I picked to be mean girls. As we watched the movie a few times I would glance up at Charlie to see him staring down on me. But it was a sweet caring stare that made me feel.... alive. After the movie we talked a lot. We just get along so well and we don't need sex, drugs, etc. to get along.

"So how many children do you want?" Charlie and I were currently sitting on a blanket cuddling and talking.

"Um... 3 but that is the most I want 2 kids. Two girls." I started daydreaming of 2 little girls with Charlie's eyes and my hair. But I quickly ended that idea because it was too early in the relationship to talk about that type of stuff. I mean we haven't even said 'I love you'. "How many do you want?" I said turning the topic onto him.

"Well... honestly 2. But I have always wanted a boy." I nodded at the idea of Charlie having a little boy. But what I never thought I would hear in a million years is Charlie talking about children. I didn't think he was that type of guy. I mean come on his patience is low and he owns very expensive stuff. Which will all get destroyed when children come into play.

"Hmm. I never thought.... never mind." I cut myself off not wanting to say what I was about to say I felt it was very rude of me to say something like that.

"Just say it." He said getting a bit annoyed.

"I just never imagined you talking about having children. Because you know that is a huge process." I said thinking back when I had to help out with my sister.

"Oh I know the WHOLE process." He smirked at his comment it took me a moment but then I finally got it.

"You shut your mouth of that dirty talk mister." I hit him lightly on the chest while he was dying of laughter.

"But don't tell anyone I have a soft side." He said smirking down at me.

"Oh I know every guy does. I love that you have a soft side though. He smiled and nodded. I checked my watch and said it was about time I left.

"Let me drop you off." He said getting up.

"No that's okay I will take myself home but thank you anyways." I said kissing him tenderly on the lips. He smiled at me and followed me to my car making sure I got in safely.

"Thank you for such a great night." I said smiling. Then an idea came to my mind. "Do you want to come with me and I can drop you off at your house?" Charlie acted as if he was thinking about it then finally nodded. He went back in to get all his stuff and locked up. He jumped in the car and we were off.


As I entered the smell of sweet oven cooked cookies filled my nose. Charlie and I walked into the kitchen to see my sister on the phone with her ex. She was eating cookies and yelling words I would rather not repeat. So I grabbed Charlie's hand and took him to my room. As soon as we got settled down my phone rang and Charlie answered. After a few seconds he frowned then anger crossed his face. He finally hung up and stood up and looked down at me.

"Did you know Rose was trying to break us up?" He said clutching onto my phone harder. I nodded and Charlie continued.

"So you knew this and decided to try and get her with Stephan?" A flash back played in my head. It was of Charlie giving me his number and knowing I was trying to get them together.

"You knew I was trying to set them up." I defended myself. My comment send to encourage his anger.

"But why did you do it? You barley knew Rose why were you trying to set her up? Oh wait I can answer that. You were afraid she was going to try and get some of me.... answer me this... do you even trust me?" His words stabbed me right in the heart. I was never thinking about how Charlie would feel about this situation. I only thought about getting him all to myself. I guess I didn't answer him in time because he got his stuff and left.

All I could think was 'What Have I Done'? I hurried to the shower and ran my fingers through my hair. Thinking about how much of a terrible girlfriend that I am. Someone knocked on the bathroom door and brought me out of 'Kaylee Thought Landia'.

"Yes?" I asked trying not to think of Charlie.

"Kay you have been in the shower for hours get out and talk to me." That was what I needed to do. Talk to my sister she gives the best advice. I quickly got out of the shower and got dressed.

When I got out of the bathroom Lexy was laying against the wall and to my surprise Charlie was sitting on the edge of my bed. The second I exited the bathroom his head shot up to mine. And boy was I happy to see him.

"Kaylee I am so sorry I didn't mean to get that out of hand. It's just I wished I would have known before I allowed her to stay with me for how ever long she is staying... ya know?" I nodded at his reasoning he had a really good point.

"It's quiet alright. I deserved that." I said as I brushed out my hair.

"So we are not over right?" He asked fidgeting with his fingers. I nodded and smiled.

"We are back to normal." Before I knew it I was wrapped into one of Charlie's famous bear hugs. But I felt all warm inside. I was glad he found it though. Now if anything crazy is to happen with Rose Charlie will know it's not me.

The Perfect Match #1Where stories live. Discover now