Behind The Mask

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I stood in place trying to figure out who she thought she was talking to.

"Well are you stupid or dumb?" She said gesturing to the car. I unlocked the drivers door and locked the door when I got in. Even I Charlie did send her she needs to learn some manners.

She yelled and waved while I drove off. About 20 minutes later Charlie was calling.

"Hey Kaylee you left Rose?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Who? Oh her... yeah. When do you think you were going to tell me I needed to drop her off at your house?" I wasn't mad I was more so disappointed. After Charlie was done begging me to drop her offat his house I turned around and got her.

"I want to thank you." So she had a little manners I thought to myself.

"No problem." I said nonchalantly. She stared me for while then she stared touching everything. "Okay I really need you to stop your kind of pissing me off now." I shouting clutching onto the wheel until my knuckles turned white.


"Rose you made it. I thought you two were going to kill each other in the car." He said letting out an loud laugh and Rose followed suit. "Kaylee thank you so much for picking and dropping her off. I really appreciate it." Charlie came towards me and hugged me.

Once Charlie left the room rise turn to me with a smirk on her face.

"So you two are together?" I slowly nodded my head. "It won't last long. I mean take it from a professional he will get uninterested."

"What do you mean professional?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh nothing... well if you really must know we dated along time ago." I gaped at her words this was Charlie's ex and he is with me and allowing her to stay here what the actual hell?

"Mm. Well I need to talk to Charlie excuse me." I said as I brushed past her now I was pissed... again.

As I entered his room he wasn't wearing a shirt, in fact the only thing he was wear was a towel around his junk. Once he caught me staring at his body he quickly smirked. I was too caught up looking at his goddess like body to notice.

"You like what you see?" He asked as he came closer to me. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts but one thought kept coming up. 'What if he sees how good I am in the bed then he won't leave like Rose said.'

He crept closer and closer until out faces were inches away. I could feel ad his hot breath fanned my face. He softly brushed his lips against mine. And I swear electricity sparked through my body. I went in to deepen the kiss but he was fast like lighting and pulled away.

But before he walked away he put his erection on my thigh, and walked away. I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice that Rose was behind me. I turned to leave and ran right into her.

"Oh that was my fault.... but I saw what just happened. That was..." She checked to make sure Charlie couldn't hear her. "Pathetic. Sweetheart you need to just... stop it is plain embarrassing." She said crossing her arms.

"Why are you really here?" I asked giving her a pointed stare.

"Only to get him back. When I heard there is competition for my man I freaked a bit and came down. So yeah back to get him all for me." She said as she flipped her hair behind her shoulders and walked off. She has no idea what was going to happen to her. But what I can say is. This Means War!


"What am I supposed to do Lexy?" I sighed running my fingers through my hair. Right now I am at my home because I was getting annoyed with Rose. I know I shouldn't have left him alone with her. But I trust him not her but I trust he won't try anything with her.

"Kay you left him with that devil, just go to his house tomorrow morning." She said as she flipped through a magazine. I didn't want to seem clingy but I had to get her away from him.

"I am going to do some match making." I said running to grab my cell phone. I dialed Charlies number and called him.

"Hey do you have any single friends?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.

"Um... yeah why?" Charlie asked slowly. I explained I was going to do some match making.

"Um yeah I know this one guy...his name is Stephan." I wrote his name and number down hoping I will remember where I put it.

"And Roses number?" I asked ready to write it down.

"Kaylee you are trying to match make Stephan and Rose?" He asked a bit confused.

"Yeah so just give me her number please." He finally coughed up her number... literary I had to guess what number he was saying through his coughing. Worst. Thing. Ever.

"So what are you really up to?" My sister asked as she leaned against the wall.

"Matching making. Oh this is going to be a lot of fun." I said smirking to myself. This way I get her occupied with Stephan. And have Charlie all to myself. Perfect. Match. All I hope is she doesn't know him.


"Hello is this Stephan." I asked nervously.

"Uh yeah and you are?" He hesitated fur a moment.

"Hi I am Kaylee Dallas and I am Charlie's girlfriend. I am not sure he talked about me." I said wondering if Charlie has told any of his friends about me.

"Oh you are the girl he had been talking my head off about. What can I help you with sweetheart?" He asked playfully.

"Well I would like to have dinner with you tomorrow. Maybe we can grab drinks tonight." I suggested letting my plan go into play.

"Kaylee ámour are you asking me...on a date?" I could hear him smirking through the phone.

"Uh no Stephan. I am with Charlie. But I just want to get know you."

"Alright fine where are we meeting at?"

"World of Beer?"

"Alright see guy tonight my love." He hung up before I could say anything but step one is complete.

The Perfect Match #1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum