The Dinner

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Kaylee Dallas POV

I drove home and showered. My hand hurt a little from when I punched Rose. And I knew by morning it would be bruised. I got out of the shower and got dressed. My sister was in the living room watching TV waiting for me to tell her about my day.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room.

"How was your day?" My sisters face lit up when she saw me.

"My match making had a few bumps in the road." I said grabbing a bag of popcorn and putting it in the microwave.

"What happened?" She asked concerned.

"Well it turns out the two I want together have already dated and hate each other. But Stephan said he is going to try to continue my plan and flirt with her a lot at tomorrow's dinner." I said putting my popcorn on 1:45.

"Oh Stephan sounds absolutely wonderful." She said focusing her attention back to the TV.

"And I punched Rose." I said casually.

"Rose? Is she and why would you punch her?" My sister looked at me horrified.

"Yeah she tricked Charlie and me into thinking that we didn't want to see each other. So I confronted her and she was like 'you ruined everything' so... I punched her in the face. Lexy she spit out blood." I squealed, and Lexy laughed.

We stayed up talking about everything except our parents. I thought it was time we did.

"Hey so... I visited mom and dad's grave.." I blurted out awkwardly. Lexy's head snapped to me.

"W-What? Why?" She looked horrified. I immediately regretted telling her that but sooner or later she would have found out.

"Well I wanted a new start with them. And I talked to them and I got somethings off of my chest." I said flipping through the channels for another movie to watch.

"I-I don't know what to say Kaylee. I haven't thought about visiting them. It's just way too hard for me." Lexy poured out her guts to me.

"I understand, but if you ever want to go I would be more than happy to help you." I smiled and patted her hand. Soon we were on a new topic to lighten the mood.

"Well I am tired so I will go to bed." Lexy said as she said heading to her bedroom. "Oh and good luck with that dinner tell me tomorrow okay?" She asked and she leaned her head on the door. I smiled and nodded. I went straight to my room as soon as she did.

"Hello?" A sleepy Stephan answered the phone.

"Hey sorry to call you so late but remember that 'occupy Rose' thing? Well yeah we are going to dinner tomorrow night and I was wondering if you could come to do your job." I said looking through my closet for an outfit.

"Job?" He chuckled from my words. "But yeah I will have no problem doing that. What time?" I hadn't thought about that.

"Um... I will text when to get ready." I said looking at a dress. Stephan said okay then hung up. I had a feeling if he was there beside Rose things was going to be a bit better. But in the mean time I was going to get all the sleep I could and hope for the best.


I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook. I looked at the time it was 12:00. I overslept, I was supposed to meet Charlie at my new building at 9:30. He is going to be so pissed.

"Hello?" I asked in a hurry as I got dressed.

"Where are you Kaylee? You were supposed to meet me 2 hours and 30 minutes ago." He stated a bit irritated.

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