I think I Lo-

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After we made love we laid in the bed just talking about life.

"Kaylee can I ask you a question?" I nodded for him to continue. "Do you miss your parents?" I frowned from thought.

"Um... yeah I do." I said as I stroked his hair. 

"I don't. I mean I only knew for about 3 months of my life. But I love my aunt.... what do you think about her?" He said looking at me tenderly.

"She seems amazing." I said smiling at him. My heart fluttered when he smiled back at me. I was caught up in the moment and I was more than sure I was ready to tell him I thought that I lo-. Before I could speak Rose burst into the room crying. Her eyes widened at the sight of us naked. The only thing that was covering our bodies were the covers.

"Oh is this bad timing?" She said wiping a tear from her eye. Charlie narrowed his eyes at her and I cocked my head at her.

"How did you get into our room?" I said frowning at her.

"The door was unlocked." She moved the door knob back and forth as she spoke. "But oh Charlie it was Stephan all over again." She ran over to Charlie and hugged him tightly while he struggle to get her off of him.

"Yeah Rose this is really bad timing, if you hadn't noticed I was about to get another round in." He smirked at me and finally got out of Roses grip. I could feel my cheeks flush but my heart and body ached for his presents in the bed.

"Wow...Oh...okay. I should be going." She hurried out from the thought of Charlie and I doing it. I turned to Charlie and smiled at him.

"You know something I love about you Charlie?" Charlie's eye sparkled from my words and he shrugged. "I love the way you look at me... I know it sounds corny but... No one ever looks at me the way you do." A smile cracked on my face and Charlie stroked the side of my face.

"You know what I love about you? You see good in everyone. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be talking to my brother, I wouldn't be helping you with your spa. And more so I want to tell you I thank you." He spoke with love and passion and I could tell and it warmed my heart.

I crashed my lips on his and we went for another round.


I woke up the next morning to the sweet smell of French Vanilla coffee. Surprisingly Charlie wasn't up which made me sit straight up. To no surprise Rose was sitting on the couch drinking coffee and looking at 'Good Morning America'.

"Oh you are finally awake." She said as she ran to me to hug me. I frowned and nodded slowly. Now I was sure last night that Charlie locked the door after she left. So how was she able to get back in?

"Um... Rose how did you get in here?" I asked folding my arms over my chest. Rose frowned and chuckled a bit. "What?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her. I looked down to see nothing but my bare chest. I had completely forgot that I didn't put on any clothes after last night. I gasped and pulled the cover over myself. 

"But I got a key. My room doesn't have a TV." She looked sad now, but I didn't care, the hotel was going to hear about this.

"So what you are telling me is that the front desk let you in?" She nodded and skipped back to the couch to finish her coffee. She turned to me and smiled.

"You are a great friend." I frowned at her words. She and I both know we were not friends.

"Rose... you and I are NOT friends." Roses head shot right towards me direction.

"But I said sorry I thought were friends." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Saying sorry to someone does not make you friends." I said quickly getting into my clothes without her seeing me naked. At this moment Charlie woke up smiling then sat up and frowned.

"Rose what the hell are you doing here?" Rose sighed because she had to explain her whole process again. When she was done Charlie looked so angry.

"Rose get out now!" Charlies voice roared around the room which made me jump. Rose got her coffee and stormed out of the room.

"What happened with Stephan and Rose?" I asked remembering Rose told us last night something happened with the two of them.

"I am not very sure but I am sure she is going to tell me when we get home. We have to leave today." He said nonchalantly.

"Well...what time do we need to leave." I asked getting stuff together.

"By 10:30." It was already 10:15. We were going to be late.

"Hurry up Charlie I need to get in there." I banged on the door yelling for Charlie to come out.

"I need to take a shit." He said as he flushed the toilet.

"Charlie if you needed to take a poo why did you flush the toilet?" I asked putting my head on the door. He just laughed loudly at my question. I went to the bed to take a five minutes nap until he was done. 

While I was deep in sleep Charlie came up to me to wake me up.

"Kaylee wake up... you can go to the bathroom." I fluttered my eyes open. When my eye sight finally became clear I was met with a completely naked Charlie. 

"CHARLIE LYONS PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" I screamed pulling the covers over my head. I could hear him laughing from my sudden outburst.

"Kaylee you have seen me naked before.... like last night why are you so scared?" He said fighting back a laugh. My eyes widen and I took the covers from over my head.

"AND-CHARLIE IF YOU DON'T PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON RIGHT NOW!" I screamed and he finally put his clothes back on.

"Your turn babe." He smirked at me as I walked off to the bathroom. Then I turned to catch him looking at my butt.

"STOP STARING AT MY ASS!" I slammed the door getting my stuff together.

The Perfect Match #1Where stories live. Discover now