The Match Made From Hell

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I sat at the bar quickly getting inpatient. I called Rose to make 'amends' with her. Pft as if but she didn't know that. I was hoping Stephan would be the first one to come in but of course he wasn't.

"So you wanted to make amends?" She asked a bit annoyed.

"I did." I faked a bright smile at her, as she did the same. Soon we were awkwardly faking smiles at each other.

"Sit. Sit" I gestured for her to sit down.

"What can I get you two ladies?" The bartender couldn't have come back at a better time.

"I will take some root beer please." I said smiling at the bartender.

"Moonshine please." I turned to Rose and frowned straight up moonshine? What kind of person does that?

"Hello ladies- ROSE?!" And my hope was torn into pieces. I think they do know each other. Shit.Shit Shit. I am SUCH am idiot.

"Stephan." Rose said as she stood up. "I am not understanding why you are here." Things were obviously about to get out of control and I had to stop them from doing that.

"I actually invited him here. All three of us to have drinks." I said trying to make things calm. They both narrowed their eyes at me.

"This was a blind date type of thing wasn't it?" Rose said picking up her purse.

"Uh. Not really I need advice about Charlie." I said making up a half of a lie.

"Continue." Rose said sitting down.

"Well you know... um.... I need advice...for what Charlie likes to eat." I blurted out. Stephan gave me a funny look and Rose cocked her head.

"Well why am I here àmour?" Stephan asked using a few French words.

"Yeah he can't cook. And I would know." She said giving Stephan a scowling look.

"Your his best friend correct Stephan." I asked sipping on my root beer. Rose and Stephan glanced at each other and looked back me.

"No we are not 'best friends'. We were close but he took Roses side in the argument." He stated looking out in the distance while stirring his beer.

I pursed my lips thinking of how much of an idiot I am. Things just took a turn in less than 5 minutes.

"Listen he is an American so he likes all that greasy stuff you guys eat." Rose said while looking at me in disgust.

"Wait you aren't American?" I asked stupidly.

"Uh no I am part Italian and French. But I am not going to tell you my life story, because it just so happens I don't like you." She snarled at me. While Stephan found it over the top funny.

"Oh Kaylee àmour ignore Rose she is just jealous-"

"Of?!" Rose shouted at Stephan.

"Where do I start? Oh I know she is gorgeous, smart, and has something you don't have." He said sitting back in his seat.

"And that would be?" Rose crossed her arms.

"Charlie." I interrupted. Stephan seemed amused by my answer but Rose was even more fired up.

"I will not stay here and let you two people attack me." The next thing I knew Rose adorned m stormed off and left leaving Stephan and I alone. I was busting shutting there looking at her retreating form. Thinking of how much of an idiot I am.

"She's in your way isn't she?" Stephan's sudden comment snapped me out of my thoughts.

"How do you know that?" I asked focusing my attention to Stephan.

The Perfect Match #1Where stories live. Discover now