I Owe You Two?

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I read the paper multiple times. I finally got enough courage up to call him and humbly apologize. I hesitate to dial his number at first but I finally get over myself.

"Hello?" I say in an innocent voice.

"Who is this?" A deep voice answers back. I kind of shivered from the voice it sounded so... scary. Then I thought the guy from last night was scary... yup this is him.

"Hi I am Kaylee Dallas..." I hear silence on the other line so I continue. "The one who peed on your 1,000 dollar shoes?"

"Oh..... you." He says in a discussed tone.

"Yeah it's me. So I was think-."

"I would LOVE to listen to your thoughts honestly I would but I need that money and I need it fast." He said furiously. I sat there very quiet because for one this guy just cut me off completely and he was really rude and snappy.

"Um... well if you would have listened to what I had to say instead of being completely rude to me, you would know what I was going to say." I snapped. I felt my confidence go way up.

"Listen KAYLEE DALLAS I don't have time for this-."

"Meet me at Mama Joes in 30 minutes." I interrupted him and hung up the phone. I felt like I could rule the world right now. I hurried and took a shower and got dressed, brushing my teeth, and putting my hair into a half bun hairstyle. I run out the door locking the door and heading to Mama Joes.


About 15 minutes of waiting he FINALLY gets there. I felt a bit guilty and scared at the sight of him because like yesterday he is not one to smile.... or maybe just not at me.

I stand and greet him with a wave. "Hello-."

"I honestly am NOT in the mood so can we get this over with?" He growls.

"Once you figure out how to speak to me properly." I snap back.

He lets out a long sigh "Fine Kaylee I am on a tight schedule so we HAVE to make this quick." I nod giving him a friendly smile, which he does not return.

"Well... see..." I fiddle with my fingers and I see his blank face so I continued. "I don't have that kind of money." He sighs from annoyance.

"I guess I can drop this for this one time." My face lights up like a child on Christmas day from those words. And I nod.

"So I guess I owe you two?" I said playfully hoping and praying to God he laughs. He chuckles the lights any human being can chuckle, he nods his head at me and he stands up to leave but I put my hand on top of his and he quickly snatches it away.

"You are just going to leave me like that." I snap my fingers. He nods.

"Dallas I told you I am on a tight schedule." He says in a serious deep voice. To be honest with you it was kind of sexy. A huge turn on if I may say so myself. I quickly shake my head of all those thoughts


He leaves but I see through the glass window he is smirking at me. So of course I do what I have read and seen in all love stories.... I chased after him. But I must say he is a very fast walker. After what felt like 15,000 years I finally caught up to him.

"So I never got your name." I say looking up at him like a child. He looks down at me and stops in his place.

"Listen little Kay-." He was about to get sassy again but there was no way I would allow that to happen again

"That's not your name." I sing to him. He rolls his eyes and finally speaks up.

"My name is Charlie Lyon." He says with the straightest face possible. And I just wanted to poke his face soo bad. Then I looked at him and not look at him I mean LOOK at him. His wavy blonde hair tucked into a beanie, his ocean blue eyes that just make a girl melt and-

"Woman what are you staring at?" He says with a 'ticked off' tone in his voice that made me jump. Cause whoa that man's voice is scary and sexy at the same time.... I really need to stop this!

"Um... I was... it's nothing." I say with a fake smile. He awkwardly nods his head and leaves. I look down at my phone and it is 12:00. I needed to hurry up and get to my job at the Lapd (Los Angeles Police Department) Yes that is right I work for the police department can I get a halla?! Can I get a what what?! I rushed to my sisters house and to my surprise she wasn't there.


I finally arrive at work and really late. And guess who was on my tail who usually isn't my CO-WORKER!

"Hi... Dina." I say awkwardly making it to my desk.

"Your late." She says with a serious faces crossing her arms. "This is your second strike. One more strike and your out." She smirked at her corny joke which I however didn't find funny at all.

"I am aware but Crissor (My boss) hasn't said a word to me about it so please keep your chill woman." She gives me a scolded look and stumps off. I laugh to myself. I mean I had NO idea why she is always in my Kool-Aid acting like she know the flavor.


After work I went out to eat with a few co-workers of course we went to Mama Joes because that was my favorite place ever. We walk into the restaurant and guess who I see with another girl. I don't know why but when I saw him my stoach turned into butterflies. And I jealousy took over me. So of course I walked over to the table to say hello and all.

"Hey Charlie." I said with the biggest smile and human could make. He looked up at my face and looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table so many times.

"Kaylee.... nice to see you again." He said forcing a smile onto his face. The woman he was with was fairly pretty.

"Hi.... what's your name miss?" I said grinning and she turned to me and said:

"You might not be able to tell that I am busy at work to busy for low class people anways." She said very rudely. But that is when I completely lost my cool.

"Listen here you little bitch I am nowhere close to being low class. But one question what's wrong with low class people?" I say narrowing my eyes at her. At first she hesitates then she finally speaks.

"I.... just.... um-" She trembles on her words so I help her out.

"You don't know what to say because that is the way you were raised? I think that is what you are looking for." I say rolling my eyes at her. I was very disappointed in myself because I didn't usually let things like that get to me. But things were changing ever since Charlie Lyon came into my life.

The Perfect Match #1Where stories live. Discover now