The Confession

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The next morning I woke up and cooked breakfast. While my sister was still sleep I went to my room and called Charlie. I was more happy and ready to start a new part in our relationship.

"Hello?" Charlie aid with exhaustion in his voice. I don't know why but now I wad over the top nervous.

"Hey Charlie.... it's me Kaylee..." I stated trailing off at the end.

"Yeah I know I have caller ID." He said rudly. At that I felt so stupid.

"Well about last night-"

"Forget last night....I don't know what I was thinking." He said tonelessly. I have read so many romance books about this. He doesn't mean it he is just scared I will say no. Which is not my answer.

"Well no need to forget last night because I like you too." I stated confidently. Silence cane from the other line. "Hello?" I said a bit nervous again.

"I-I-I can't believe this?" I could picture Charlie smiling through the phone. I was so halt but one last thing was left unsolved.

"Where do we stand now?" I asked eagerly. I was relived that now we both know we have feelings for each and we can take things a step further.

"Meet me at our spot I have some news." He said before hanging up. I guess I was just to hung over the fact that he liked me that I didn't care that he had just hung up in my face. I hurried got in the shower and did the rest of my routine. I left a note for my sister letting her know I was okay.


I walked into Mama Joes and to my surprise Charlie was looking breathtaking. He had on his regular jeans and a plaid shirt. And his finally didn't wear a beanie with his hair. He had it to were you could actually see it. And did he look sexy?

"Hey Charlie." I greeted him as I took my seat. Charlie's whole face lit up at the sight of me. I didn't see why I looked like crap. I didn't do anything to my hair but brush it. And I didn't try with my outfit.

"Hey Kaylee... so about the business..." Charlie trailed off as he grabbed a piece of paper from his briefcase. I frowned to myself, when he said he wanted to talk to me about something this was NOT what I excepted.

"Oh." I said a bit disappointed. Charlie looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Whats wrong Kaylee?" He said focusing his attention onto me. I wanted to spill my guts out and tell him that I wanted to talk about us but I didn't have the guts to give out.

"Nothing. So what is happening in the deal?" I asked nonchalant. He looked at me for a while and then finally spoke.

"Well good news and bad news, which one's first?" He said looking at the papers again. I thought about it.

"Bad news." I said putting my chin on my hands.

"Okay.... you have competition on the on our offer with the lot. But the good news is I know my way around bumps in the road." He said sipping on his drink and sitting back. "Now to the topic you have been waiting for." There was a long pause after he said that then he continued. "So your my girlfriend and we are dating." He said sitting up with a smile. I looked at him in disbelief for one I was not a fan of anyone taking possession over me and two I was flattered he could read me so well.

"For starters you need to properly ask me." I said crossing my arms around my chest. Charlie raised his eyebrows at my response. He was left speechless.

"Well I mean you like me, I like you... we are together right?" He said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. I frowned at his words, he should know that you have to ask to get what you want. At least that was how I was taught.

"No, Charlie we like each other. But we don't know each other like we should. So we get to know each other by the end of this date then we can be together." I said sipping on my tea. Charlie tilted his head at me.

"So this is a date?" He said as a smirk crossed his face. I blushed and tried to cover my cheeks with my hair. Which failed because he called me out on it.

"So when is your birthday?" I asked starting the get-to-know-you-game.

"June 4th. What about yours." He said bluntly.

"April 1st." I said waiting for him to burst into laughter. And to no surprise he did.

"As in April fools? Your a joke you are aware of that." He said barking into laughter. I gave him a scary stare which scared him. "A cute joke?" He said scratching his head. I kicked him from under the table and he put his hands up to show he surrendered.

"So what is your favorite color?"

"Blue... dark blue."

"Do you like sports?"

"Yeah I like football."

"Have you-"

"Are we playing 20 questions or something?" He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"If you wouldn't have ruined it. It could have turned into it." I said holding back a laugh. The rest of breakfast went the same way we would ask each other questions. He would say something to either make fun of me or to make me laugh. But once it was my turn to make fun of him I was the devil for making fun of him.


"So do you want to do a redo of the part thing from the other day." Charlie asked as we walked down the sidewalk. I stopped in place thinking about what happened and what made him breakdown.

"Charlie can I ask another question?" I had seriousness in my voice now, because I wanted to get to the bottom of this. He turned around and frowned at me.

"What is it?" He said crossing his arms around his chest and cocking his head. I hesitated a bit but the words finally came out.

"How come your brother is bothering you so?" I said narrowing my eyes. Charlie looked shocked. I couldn't tell if it was because I read him like a book, or because I brought up what happened in the park. And technically he brought it up so he can't be completely mad at me.

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