His Looks

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Charlie decided not to spend the night last night. But he stayed 'till midnight. I woke the next morning smiling from how much of a great night I had. First awkward then good then bad then good again I was happy with the turn out. And come to find out Rose and Stephan hit it off last night. So my plan to occupy Rose is definitely a go.

I tiredly walked to the kitchen to find my sister cooking away. Food was everywhere, don't get me wrong it all looked so good. But I knew what this meant.

"What did Scout do?" I asked while picking up one of the waffles and taking a bit. My sister slammed the bag of flour on the counter and spoke.

"Kaylee he had the nerve to try and invite me to his birthday party." I raised an eyebrow at what happened.

"So let me get this straight he invited you to his party knowing you two aren't together?" She nodded and stirred the flour mixture.

"That's not even the worst part, he said he didn't tell parents we aren't together anymore. And he wants me to come as his girlfriend." I gasped at his request.

"So what happen to operation 'Get Rose Off Your Man's Ass'?" She said changing the subject.

"Well it all kind of worked out in my favor." I smiled at my accomplishment.

"Oh really and how is that?" She investigated me.

"Well the dinner was awkward. Then Charlie took me to my spa and we had a romantic dinner. And he came here and Stephan called and told him the whole plan. And at first Charlie was mad but you made him come back and he got over it. I think the good thing for me is that if Rose tries anything Charlie will know it's just her being her." I ended my answer with the idea of Rose in the dog house.

My sister nodded her head looking impressed. At that moment my phone rang and a weird number popped.

"Um.. hello?" I asked while looking at my sister worried.

"Yeah cut the bullshit Kaylee this is Rose." Rose said from the line very rudely.

"Oh Rose..." I stressed her name very much.

"Yeah... why don't we go out for coffee." I could hear the attitude in her voice so there no way I was going.

"No now bye." I was about to hang up with she yelled no. "What, and please stop screaming in my ear?"

"Sorry, but I want to go out for coffee. Meet me at Mama Joes in 15 minutes you won't regret it." And with that she hung up. At first I was not going to go but my sister told me just to go and see what she wants.


When I walked into the cafe Rose's head shot up and she stood up and smiled at me. I frowned from her action, she was never nice to me... ever. I carefully took my seat and eyed her every once and a while.

"So... I want to start off by saying I am terribly sorry for being such a... well bitch." She got serious and I saw her apology was real or maybe she is a good actor.

"Yeah it's fine." I said sipping on my tea. Rose frowned at me as if she was looking for some other answer.

"That's all?" She said a little annoyed. I frowned and nodded slowly.

"Were you expecting something different?" I asked putting my drink down.

"Yes I was. Maybe even an apology from you." I barked into laughter, she was crazy if she thought I was going to apologize to her.

"For?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"...Well... umm...see-"

"I did nothing to you Rose. But I do accept your apology." I started packing my stuff and got ready to go. "Well I am going to head out." I was about to walk off when she stuck her hand out for me to shake. I awkwardly shook it back and walked off.


I decided to go back to my apartment with my sister and talk to her about everything.

"Hey Lexy, I'm home!" I shouted as I put my keys in on the rake. My sister ran up to me and grabbed my hand and led me to the coach.

"Was she a total bitch?" My sister asked interested. Which made me laugh.

"A little bit. She apologized then expected me to apologize to her for nothing." My sister gasped and frowned.

"Why would she do that you didn't do anything to her did you?" I shook my head as I took my shoes off.

"I didn't do anything to her." I said thinking back on all the times we were together.

"Kay can I ask you a question?" I nodded and she continued. "Do you think you love Charlie?" I was a bit taken back by her sudden question. I guess because I never thought about it, and looking back on the way he makes me feel I did have really really really strong feelings for him.

"Uh well... I am not very sure. But I know one thing I like the way he looks at me... like I wanna believe in myself." I said smiling as images of him smiling down at me play in my head . At that moment my phone rang and Charlie was calling. I walked out of the room to take this call.

"Hey Charlie, what's up." I said playing with my hair.

"Hey Kaylee, I need you to come to my brothers wedding with me." I frowned and pursed my lips at his request.

"Yeah... I don't remember you asking me Charles." I said snapping back at him. He sighed for a really long time then finally answered.

"Kaylee Dallas will you go to my brothers wedding with me?" He asked a little annoyed.

"Yeah when are we leaving?" I asked as I walked into my room.

"Tomorrow." He answered bluntly.

"TOMORROW?! Charlie Lyons are you insane?! I don't have enough time to-"

"Be ready by 10:00. Bye babe." He said interrupting me and then hanging up in my face. I sighed and then got my clothes together and packed them in my suitcase.

"Where are you going?" My sister asked as she leaned on my door.

"I have to go to Charlie's brother wedding with him." I said going into the bathroom to get my stuff out of there.

"Oh so are you guys going to have sex there?" She said as a wicked smirk crossed her face.

"LEXY!" I yelled poking my head out of the bathroom. "We haven't even talked about that type of stuff." I said looking down at my toothbrush. I sighed and continued packing.

The Perfect Match #1Where stories live. Discover now