[1] wanheda

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We were born in space. They told us the ground was uninhabited. But they were wrong, and we've been fighting for our lives since the moment we landed. Some of us have been broken by it, but most of us are still here, searching for other survivors from the Ark, trying to build something real and lasting out of wilderness...a home. Our leaders believe that to survive, we need to make peace with the Grounders, but peace is a foreign concept here.

Someone told me once that life can't be all bad or all good. That, eventually things have to come back to the middle. In the last three months, things were good. Not amazing, because we all changed after Mount Weather, but at least no one tried to kill us in this time. So, we kinda been in the middle in this time. Which means, that conform to regression to the mean, that somehow the scale has to tip one way or the other. Things are gonna get really good or really bad. And knowing our luck, I think bad things are coming to us.


I woke up and his side of the bed was empty. How he could be so matinal was beyond me. I knew already were he was, so I decided to just go there. As I kept walking through Arkadia I met Christian.

"Kane asked me to remember you that he wants to see you and Blake." he said and I scoffed. He still didn't like Bellamy too much.

"Thanks. And — um, how have you been?"

"I'm good. And thank you for helping me with Gina. She is wonderful."

"Don't worry. Gina is my friend. So are you coming with us today?"

"No, I have my practice today. Soon I will be a full guard," he said and pointed proudly his uniform. I chuckled at his happiness. "How come you aren't at your practice?"

"Taking the fact that the teacher is my boyfriend I decided to skip today."

"This is called preferential treatment."

"Actually it's called I'm too tired." I said and Christian laughed loudly.

"Okay. Can we talk later? I don't want to make you be late on your meeting with Blake." he mumbled ironically and kissed rapidly my forehead. I remained there, still, surprised by his action. We didn't talk too much lately, mostly because he was busy with his training sessions, and because I spent almost my whole time with Bellamy. And when I wasn't with him, I was with Raven learning science.

I arrived at my destination just in time to see a sweaty Bellamy, shirtless, taking his t-shirt on him.

I arrived at my destination just in time to see a sweaty Bellamy, shirtless, taking his t-shirt on him

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"Oh, hello, Princess. Aren't you a bit later?"

"A Princess it's never late. Everyone is just to early." I replied and everyone laughed.

"He has me, but was too aggressive." Lincoln explained to the teenagers.

"Whatever you say." Bellamy mumbled under his breath and I burst in laughter.

Hey, Princess → Bellamy Blake (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now