[9] bad moon rising

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I hated to be so scared. I hated to feel so useless. But they were too strong and we didn't have nothing to use against them. So we just stood there, waiting to see what they wanted from us.

"We've been locked up for hours. If it was Bellamy..." said Monty looking at me.

"It was Bellamy. I'm telling you he's here." Jasper tried to convince us that before the door closed, he saw Bellamy with Maya outside.

"All right. It doesn't make any sense." Monty spoke again.

"I know what I saw."

"Why isn't him here, then?"

"Probably it's not so easy to get to us. If Jasper really saw him that means he got in so," I was interrupted when the door opened and doctor Tsing entered followed by some guards.

"Not again." whispered Harper and I took gently her hand trying to reassure her that everything was alright.

"Get off her!" screamed Monty when two guards came a little to close to me.

"No, not her. She needs more time to recover. This one." she said and pointed at Daniel. Two guards took him and the delinquent tried to escape but was useless.

"Stop! You can't keep doing this to us. President Wallace said we could go."

"That president Wallace it's no longer in command. He had to step down for health reasons. I'm sorry it has to be like this. I hope you know you're all incredibly special to us," said Tsing. "Especially you." she added looking at me and she smiled widely.

Damn, we were so screwed. I really hoped that if what Jasper pretended that saw was true, Bellamy will realize that we were out of time and he will come sooner to save us.

"I found some chocolate." Harper said to me after a few hours. "Maybe will help you to feel better. To me it worked."

"I feel better. Don't worry." Harper looked strangely at me. "I'm fine. My back it's still hurting but I'm not so weak no. Really, Harper, I'm fine, don't need to worry."

"Kitty, do you think that Bellamy is really here? And that he will find a way to save us from this terrible nightmare?"

"I really hope that."

A hour later the door opened again. We all gathered together, holding each other elbows, trying to not let the guards pass through our group. They started to beat us and push us away. I even hit one of the bed, as one of the guards threw me around. I raised slowly from the floor and I started to hit with my knuckles one of the guards all over his arms.

"Stop it, Princess." he said grabbing my hand slowly and pushed me in one of the walls. I froze in my place recognising that voice.

"Bellamy?" I asked incredulous. "Bell, they are..."

"Taking your bone marrow. I know. They are killing you. I need you to fight, okay? Keep it a bit longer," he whispered and put something into my hand. "I'm sorry for this." he added and pushed me into the floor hitting my chest a little bit too hard.

I saw how he went to Jasper and gave something to him too. They dragged Marya with them then they locked the door again. Jasper showed me the small gun that Bellamy gave him and I looked at my own small present from him: a knife.

"Next time we need to fight better." I whispered slowly to him.

"Told you is here."

"We need to resist until he finds a way to save us. And certainly we can't let them take another from one." I added as I looked at the bed that was Marya's.

Hey, Princess → Bellamy Blake (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now