[10] bodyguard of lies

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"Don't you dare go without me, Blake!" I screamed and I followed him, grabbing him by his elbow. It took me exactly one minute to decide that I don't wanted to be safe, I wanted to be with him, to help.

"Go back." he ordered and his voice was husky.

"Nope. You said it, every time I'm not with something bad happens to me, so let's keep it together. I'm not leaving you."

Bellamy sighed and took my hand. "You do exactly what I say and you stay out of trouble. If there's any sign of danger... I will get you back were you are safe, understand?"

I scoffed but I nodded and then I kissed rapidly his lips. "C'mon giant, we have work to do. You know what I want after we get out from this hell?" I said as we kept walking trying to find some way to get at the acid fog machine. "I want to learn how to swim and then I want to stay outside to see the sky, the sun and the stars. And I want to feel the scent of grass. When things started to get dirty, I thought that was a stupid idea to want to leave the Ark. But now, I just want to be into the woods."

"Don't worry, we will be back into the woods, Princess. And after that everything will be fine."

"You think that? I mean the peace with the Grounders stands on blood. This doesn't sound very strong."

"Don't worry. We will be fine."

"How many wars do we have to fight, Bell? We are just kids and since the first moment we fight for our lives."

"Don't think at this now. We need to find that thing, okay? Have time to worry about that after we get out friends outside."

"Bellamy, is something wrong?" I asked after a while, when I saw his concerned look. He always had this frown when he was concerned about something.

"They bombarded Tondc. Octavia was there."

"Who did it?"

Bellamy looked at me and then pointed at the hallways. I understood immediately what he meant. He told me about how he discovered the lab and saw how they killed Daniel, and then Cage told someone that there will be a reunion of the Grounders clans, and they need to kill them. He told me that he announced Clarke, but wasn't very sure that she made it in time. I stopped and I put my small hands on his chest.

"Don't worry, Bell. Octavia is a big girl, you know. She will be just fine. If someone can survive through everything, that's your sister. She is a survivor no matter what."

Bellamy kissed my forehead then he caressed my hand. He kept holding me in his arms for a few minutes, his nose buried in my hair. "How did you get here again, anyways?"

"I was almost at the Camp Jaha when someone hit my head and I woke up here. They tried to make me believe that I was just dreaming that I was outside and that Clarke killed herself, but I saw my wounds from the arrow that hit me when we tried ... to save Finn."

"I don't know if I should be happy that you are here, or not. Knowing you, you would have probably been in Tondc, and I... Let's keep moving."

"Bellamy. Come in." asked Raven through a walkie talkie that Bellamy had.

"Yeah, I'm a little busy here, Raven."

"You missed check-in. Do you find the source of the acid fog yet?"

"I'm making my way there now. It's taking longer that I thought."

"I don't know enough to crack it on this end. You gotta give me something."

"I'm working on it."

"Crap. Something it's wrong!" I said as Bellamy tried to open a door with a key card and it didn't work.

Hey, Princess → Bellamy Blake (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now