'Anything you wanna do.' Ethan said sitting in the chairs that were there as Aiden stood up.

'Mmmm-' I mumbled until Aidens phone rang which happened to be on the counter face up so you could see who it was. The callers name was "McCall" (SCOTT FUCKING MCCALL😍)

He stood up, looking down at his phone. 'Uh I have to take this.' He said looking sorry.

'It's okay. Go ahead.' I told him with a smile letting him know it was okay. I didn't really see why he looked sorry but whatever.

He left leaving me and Ethan by our selfs. He was looking over at Aiden taking the phone call, while i stared at him wondering how hot someone could be.

'Ya know, staring is rude.' He smirked, turning back at me making me look down immediately blushing hard. I grabbed a grape and threw it at him for putting me on the spot like that, laughing.

'That's rude too.' He tells me, picking up the grape and throwing it back at me.

'So how's the life of being a hot twin?' I asked raising my eyebrow laughing. He laughed and shook his head smiling at me.

'It's pretty good I guess.' He laughed not sure what to say.

'Are there cons of being twins?' I asked plopping another grape into my mouth.

'Of course there are. With other twins, but me and Aiden don't really have any.' He explains to me as I nod in understand meant.

'So how come Matthew hates you guys so much?' I blurted out. It's been the one thing on my mind right now. These guys are honestly the cutest how could anyone hate them.

'Ah Espinosa.' He sighed calling him by his last name. I guess that's their thing. Calling people by their last name.

'Okay so the first thing you should know is me, Matthew, and Aiden were like best friend.' He tells me making me laugh. The hatred Matthew feels towards them, they could not be friends.

'Oh yea right.' I say sarcastically laughing a bit.

'No really but here's when he started hating us. He had a girlfriend and I guess he really liked her but she didn't like him the same way. She liked Aiden the way Matthew liked her but Aiden didn't. Aiden respected the fact that the girl was Matts.' He explains to me. When I hear Matthew had a girlfriend I don't what it felt like. It's like I had butterflies from the sound of his name but they died and blew up when girlfriend came up.

'Of course this girl, she was fine. And when I say fine I mean finnneeee.' He tells me biting his lip when he said fine showing me, she really had to be fine.

'So Aiden you know. Fucked her at a party. But Aiden was beyond drunk. I've never seen him that drunk, and that girl cheated on Matthew before so no doubt she'd cheat on him at the party. Short story, she took advantage of Aiden.' He told me getting to the point making my mouth go into the shape of an "o". What kind of girl is that thirsty for a guy.

'So when Matthew found out well he was pissed. For me, I think that girl was his first love.' He told me looking back at Aiden which was still on the phone.

'But yea so Matthew hated him and once you hate him, you hate me too. We're a package.' He says with a cute sarcastic smile making the same on appear on my face.

'Hey guys I have to go.' Aiden said coming back as he put his phone in his back pocket and giving me a goodbye side hug.

'No you should stay. I'll go deal with what ever this is.' Ethan says standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

'McCall called me. I'll go hang out with Persephone more.' He says walking to the door but Ethan stopped him just like Aiden stopped him before getting in a fight with Matt.

'Aiden. You hang out with her. I can deal with him.' He told him sternly.

They both looked back at me making my head go down again eating my grapes. I heard a chuckle and then footsteps going towards the door. I looked up and only say 1 twin.

'Sorry about that.' Aiden apologizes sitting down in the chair Ethan was in.

'It's okay.' I tell him being honest.

'Alright well what were you and Ethan talking about?' He asks putting his hand over the counter and reaching into my bowl of grapes.

'The life of being a hot twin.' I say to him to see that hot smirk appear on his face and he chews on the grape showing his jawline even more.

'You think I'm hot?' He asked already knowing the answer.

'Eh your brothers hotter.' I shrugged continuing to eat my grapes

'Yea yea whatever.' He said turning his back to me.

'aha im just kidding i love youuu and you're hotter than Ethan.' I tell him running to hug and he laughs, hugging me.

'So what shall we do today?' I asked letting go of him and sitting next to him.

'Park?' He suggested making me nod and get ready to leave.


Sooo Matthew and the guys are coming back in the next chapter dont worry lolol

Clueless❥meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora