T w e n t y-F i v e

18 2 0

WARNING!: If suicide, cutting, or any of the above is a really touchy subject to you I suggest you skip through it and find a part that isn't touchy for you.


// Luna's POV //

What have I done? All she was trying to do is help me and I just have to go and snap at her.. I'm such a fuck up, a waste of space, a worthless piece of shit.

I just seem to have knack for loosing people.

1st I lost Harry,
2nd I lost Alex,
3rd.. I lost myself.

Yes, Alex was right. I had started cutting again.. And I'm not proud of it. Do you ever have those moments when you feel so utterly disgusted with yourself that it almost seems unbearable? Well I'm having that moment right now.

I know, me falling back into my depression is REALLY bad but I can't help it. I'm loosing people left and right and it's killing me knowing I'm loosing my safe havens.

I guess I kinda deserve it though.. I'm not really surprised no one wants to be around me. I balled my hands in fists and grabbed my brush and threw it at the mirror that was directly in front of my bed. I watched it shatter into a million pieces. (A/N: Start the song at the top)

At this point the tears that were coming down my face were never stopping, I was literally crying an ocean. And I couldn't stop it. I slid off my bed and onto my floor, and laid there crying, curling into a ball.

Well, that was until a piece of glass glimmered out of the corner of my eye. I slowly sat back up and grabbed the closes piece by me. I stared at it for a few seconds before I started to lift up my sleeve. I looked at the long diagonal strips of the previous cuts I had made only a week ago.

  I took the piece of glass and got up off the floor and walked into my bathroom and shut the door and locked it.

I leaned over the sink with my wrists and made a bunch of horizontal cuts all up my arm. I bit my lip, despite the pain I was feeling from all of this I felt relieved from all of the pain and suffering I was going through. I was free.. finally free.

I think I cut too much because when I had finally got the urge to stop, my whole sink was filled with blood. I suddenly got light headed so I had to sit down on my toilet seat. I had my hands to head. Before long my vision started to get blurry and I could barely stand straight.

I was trying to get up and wash my arms off but I couldn't take any more and I crashed to the ground with a loud thump.

Right as my eyes closed completely someone busted down my door and screamed.



// Harry's POV //

"I'm a terrible boyfriend, I'm a terrible boyfriend.. I'M SUCH A FUCKING DUMBASS!" I groaned and ran my hands through my hair a couple of times before I threw my song book against the wall. I ignored her for 4 months. For 4 fucking months I sat back and listened to her heartbreaking voice mails, wanting to call her.

It's all because of management. Their the real bad guys behind all of this.. 4 months ago on that day that Alex had showed me Luna's note, I had got a call from management telling me they didn't like the publicity that I was getting from being with her so they told me to keep away from her. And I told them that I wasn't and then they did the thing I didn't expect them to do.

They threatened the fate of the band.

They specifically told me that if I stay with Luna, One Direction would be over.

I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT!?! All because I'm happy and with the one I love? And yes, I went there.

I told the boy's and made them promise not to tell Alex, or Luna. They told me that I shouldn't keep it from them but I just couldn't find it in me to tell them, especially Luna. I wouldn't be able to see the look that would appear on her face if I told her we wouldn't be able to be together. But I bet it's worse since she doesn't know the reason I'm ignoring her.

If only I knew it was worse than ever before..


I was laying in my bed a few hours later with one of my pillows covering my head. I was so unbelievably bored and I wanted nothing more to be cuddled up with Luna than be in my bed alone. I miss how warm she would be every time we'd cuddle. God, do I miss that so much. God, do I miss her so much.

I hope she's okay, I just have this bad feeling that something happened. Something horrible.

All of a sudden there was a loud pounding on my door that startled me. I slowly got out of bed and put on some boxers that were laying nearby on the ground and opened the door thinking it was one of the lads.

"Lads, what do you want-" I got pulled out of the door and pushed into the wall.

"Styles, you better tell me why your ignoring Luna, and you better tell me now." My eyes widened when I seen it was Alexandra who had pushed me into the wall.

"I would tell you, but I can't." I said and she pushed my back into the wall even more. (Well as much more as she could than it already was.)

"JUST FUCKING TELL ME, GODDAMMIT!!" Alex yelled at me and pushed me again, stepping away from me, and kicking the wall beside my bedroom door.

"Luna's broken goddammit. And you need to fix it!" she yelled at me again and started walking down the stairs to the front door.

"Get dressed. We're going to see Luna, whether you like it or not." Those were the last words she said to me before she slammed my front door, leaving me to get dressed and get my act together.


Damn.. That was an intense chapter for me to write.. I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you lovely lil' Carrot's in the next one! ~Megan (: Xxx

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