T w e n t y-N i n e

18 4 1

I hope you lovely lil' Carrot's enjoy this chapter!


// Luna's POV //

I opened my eyes, expecting to be in some white place with fluff all around, and to be finally rid of this cruel world. But guess what I get? I'm in a fucking hospital bed with an IV stuck in my arm, and an oxygen mask stuck to my face.

Why? Why couldn't they just let me go, and be free?! Couldn't they see that I wanted to be free!?

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt hot tears falling down my face, harder, and harder. I felt like just ripping off this oxygen mask, and IV out of my arm. And jump out the window. I didn't know what floor I was on, but just from looking out the window of my hospital room I could tell I was really high up.

I know I shouldn't be taking life for granted and all that blah, blah, blah. But If you've been through what I've been through in the past, you'd see why I'd just wanna give up.

I was mentally deranged and didn't know what to do. For some reason I felt like my body was getting weaker, and weaker. I felt like I couldn't even move.. What is wrong with me..?

Since I couldn't move, I laid flat on my back, with two pillows behind my head supporting it. I was staring at the wall in front of me, not quite thinking about anything, just letting my demons yell at me.

You should just get up and jump!

Your such a waste of space! Why don't you just die already?!

Just leave! Can't you see your not wanted?!

I know, I KNOW! God, do I know that already, I don't need to be reminded.. They just kept repeating over, and over in my head. I know I shouldn't listen to what Harry's fans say about me. But me, being me. I let it get to me. And my demons take advantage of that.

They use it against me until I can't fight back anymore. And we all know how it doesn't take long at all to get me down to where I'm begging on my knees for it to stop. For them to stop screaming at me, to stop telling me I'm a worthless whore, that doesn't belong in this world. But I know they're right, as much as it pains to me to admit, they are.

I didn't realize someone had entered my room, until they said my name, and it was the voice that I so faintly remember. The one that had left me, like all the others.


I couldn't see him, since the only thing that was barely illuminating my room, was the faint city lights from below us, outside of the hospital. Out in the dark, dark, world.

I could barely blink before it happened, Harry was over to my bed in a flash, and engulfed me into a hug, surprisingly he managed to avoid the cords that were attached to me.

It was like time stopped during our hug, I almost forgot the fact that I was in a hospital connected to a bunch of cords, but that was kinda hard to forget.

"I'm so sorry.. I don't know why I didn't just call you, I was so stressed with touring and everything and I couldn't find my phone for the longest time, but that doesn't make up for all of those months. And I know that. I'm such a dick, and a bad boyfriend, well that is if were still together, but I completely understand if you don't want to be with m-" I couldn't take much more of his rambling so I cut him off.

"Harry.. Calm down, we're still together, I was just so alone during all of those months, my depression skyrocketed. And I started cutting again.. And, well, you know that part." I smiled weakly.

"I was mad for the longest time, but to be honest, I was just more sad then mad, I couldn't stay mad at you for long. Pathetic as it sounds, it's true. I'm too in love with you to be mad at you, longer than a couple of days."

I couldn't help letting that I was in love with him slip out, he had the right to know, I'm just relieved I got to tell him. Before.. I you know, died..

"I-" Harry got cut off by a knock on the door. And I just wish he would finish that sentence.

"Excuse me," a man wearing a white lab coat, came walking through the door, while shutting it behind him.

"I'm Dr. S. Miles, but you may call me Samuel." He gave me a smile, and shook hands with Harry who had stood up straight, from hugging me.

"Nice to meet you Samuel, I'm Luna's fiancé Harry Styles." My face heated up at that part. But I'm assuming he had to stay that to get in here to see me, so I'm just going to have to go along with it, but the question here is, why would I not?

After Harry had introduced himself, Dr. Miles' face turned serious. "Okay, so Luna, I know you may not want to talk about this since you've had a rough night, but we need to since I found something very interesting in some test I took on you just to make sure your health was okay other than your cutting."

I put my head down in shame at the last of his sentence, and Harry grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. Giving me an 'It's okay' look.

"I know to tell you this and put it on top of everything else isn't really good but-" I had to cut him off, he was making me nervous, and even more inpatient. "Dr. Miles, can you please just get to the point? I'm already nervous as it is, and you dragging it on isn't helping." I said and he smiled apologetically.

"Sorry ma'am, but I found out in your test results that you have, um, a rare type of Cancer called Chroniclymphocytic leukemia to be exact, I'm so sorry Luna.."


Okay, good news, Long Chapter, bad news, Luna has Cancer.. I'm so sorry, I just couldn't think of anything else to put in this chapter and I think it was a good plot twist to the story.. Welp, I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote&comment and I'll see you lovely lil' carrot's in the next chapter! ~Megan (: Xxx

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