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It may be hard for me to balance all of my books at one time so bare with me I know the updates for all of my books have been slow and I'm sorry for that but I really hope you like this it's kinda a bit of a background story for me so.. yeah! (: x


// Luna's POV //

"Alex hurry up we need to go!" I yelled from downstairs at my VERY slow best friend. "Will you give me a minute! I'm trying to get Delilah into her cage! And she is being so fucking stubborn!" I heard a scream and a thump on the ground and I dropped my suitcase and ran up the stairs two at a time.

I burst through her bedroom door to see a crazy looking Alex trying to get her puppy into her carrier but the stubborn pup was literally hiding under the bed and the opening was too small for Alex to get under there and get here so she's doomed unless she finds a way to trick Delilah to come out from under the bed. I think I'm going to try my trick that works on my husky puppy Stella.

"Hey Lila... wanna go to Sonic?!" right as the words left my mouth Delilah zoomed out from under the bed and Alex caught her as she ran into her arms. "Ha! Gotcha," Alex had a wild look in her eye as she put Delilah in her carrier.

"Okay now Alex hurry your bum up and LEGGO!" I yelled running out of the room with Stel following me, yes I didn't put her in her carrier yet because unlike Delilah, Stella is more trained. And is a little bit older than Lila by a month and 3 days, yes I know my own puppies birthday. May 31st.

I was already in the car when Alexandra ran outside with her luggage in hand and Delilah of course. Once she put her bags in the trunk she hopped in the car and I started the engine and zoomed off into the morning mist.

Okay let me tell you a bit about myself now since the Delilah problem is over and we are heading to the airport in Tulsa. Well first off my name is Luna Lexi Pemberton and I'm from Blackwell, Oklahoma I have 2 sisters Vanessa and Erika my best friend is also from here her name is Alexandra Marie Henderson, she has 3 brothers Nick, Eli, and Matthew (Matt) and her baby sister Nia.

"Luna are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts when Alex was poking my side and jumped up and squealed and she laughed and I kept one hand on the wheel and poked her back and she also jumped up and squealed and it was silent for a second before we both burst out laughing but then Alex screamed and I looked back at the road and realized I was swerving into the lane, I screamed also and swerved back into the other lane and the car behind us honked and I turned around and flipped them off.

"Okay let's just try and get to the airport in one piece and not In pieces" Alex said and we both laughed and after that she took her One Direction cd out of her carryon bag and I seen it was their first album and I immediately told her to put it in and the intro music to What Makes You Beautiful, started to play

We both sang along to it while I was now carefully driving down the road out of Blackwell on our way to Tulsa to finally get to my dream home.

London, England here I come baby!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please tell me what you think of the book and also what is your favorite song from Made In The A.M.? I'm stuck between End Of The Day, Perfect, and Temporary Fix. Okay bye ILY! ~Megan (: x

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