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I hope you enjoy this chapter my lovely lil' carrots!


~1 Week Later~

// Luna's POV //

It has been a week since the boys had stayed in our flat and we had swapped numbers with all the boys and me and Alex have kept in touch with they every single day and you'll probably not believe me when I say this but I haven't even texted Harry first once, he has been the one to text first. Yes I know it's hard to believe since I would probably be texting him 24/7 but I've managed to control myself.. but Alex yeah I have know idea about her but knowing her she has probably chatted Niall's ear off so much that he probably blocked her number oh and also some good news is THEY FOLLOWED US ON TWITTER! The fans have also been tweeting me and Alex a lot sending us death threats and all kinds of shit but you know what I fucking reply to them with a sassy reply every single time.

Yes and the reason why is the paps took pictures of Alex and I with the boys going in and out of the animal adoption center and of course Directioners were furious but like I said if they said mean things to us I would reply twice as hard to them and Alex just ignores it completely. But there are of course some really sweet fans out there that just congrats us on meeting them and blah blah. And of course we reply to them sweetly but those haters tho they're getting beyond fucking annoying.

"So.. X Factor?" Alex asked me and I nodded, she had been switching channels for the past hour trying to find something to watch. After the first episode of X Factor was over me and Alex looked at each other right as Simba and Kitty Purry growled. (Their Stomachs) We both laughed and stood up from the sofa, "food?" I asked and she nodded "food," I grabbed my coat from the coat rack and so did Alex.

We got in the car and of course I was driving since Alex is afraid to drive again since that incident last year, okay you see Alex and her parents and siblings were heading to the store to get something for the baby to get the nursery ready for when it or they arrive and as they were stopped at a red light a drunk driver hit her mum's side of the car and since she was pregnant she had a miscarriage and Nia was the only one that survived. And ever since that day she has been afraid to drive again since she was the one that was driving when they got in the wreck.

When we got to Nando's (Alex's suggestion) we both got out of the car and sat down at a both that our waiter brought us to and she sat down some menu's in front of us.

After we got our food we started to eat well that was until we heard the door to Nando's open and a group of 5 hooded figures entered and I think I already know who it is. My guess was right when I heard Niall's Irish laugh throughout the whole restaurant. "Alex, that's the boys!" I whisper shouted to her and her head perked up (Right now just imagine a dog's ears perk up) "Nando's!" Alex shouted at Niall but she used her code name for him.

It must've worked because Niall turned our way and when he seen us he told the boys to follow him, "long time no see loves" Harry said and I laughed "Harry it's only been a week," I said and he shrugged.

"It doesn't feel like a week" I heard Harry mumble under his breath and I smiled aw did he actually miss us? Why would he miss you? My conscience asked and I frowned.

"Are you guys going to order your food or not?" Our sassy ass waiter was back and I almost flipped her off, "how about you take their order and quit being a bitch?" I asked and she gasped and turned around and stomped off, probably to tell her manager.

The boys just looked at me with shock expression written across their faces and I just laughed right as the bitch returned with her manager, "is there a problem here?" he asked and I nodded my head "yes, your waiter–" I said pointing to the bitch that was standing behind him."—Was being a total bitch to my friends here" I said pointing to the boys that were sat in front of Alex and I.

He nodded. "I see, she has also been rude to other customers as well." he said turning to the waiter. "Sarah you are fired so leave your apron on the rack and be gone and leave your name tag on the counter since we were the ones that bought you it" he said and she glared at us and nodded "yes sir.." she said and did exactly what she was told.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" I called out to her and she turned around and flipped me off "matter fact, let it hit ya" I said and flipped her off.

The boys and Alex cheered and the boys just looked at me again with the same expression on their faces; pure amazement and shock.

"What? I don't take shit from people. Especially if they were being complete bitches to my friends. Ask Alex she knows all about it." I said and Alex automatically nodded inserting that it was true.

"Remember Chelsea?" I asked and she busted out laughing "who's Chelsea? And what about her," Liam asked as I smirked"

"It was when we were in 6th Grade, In the cafeteria when Chelsea was being a total bitch" I said trailing off into the memory as I told them the story.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter my lovely lil' carrots! Don't forget to vote and comment! Tell me what you think about the waiter! ~Megan (: x

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