T w e n t y-T w o

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I hope you lovely lil' carrots enjoy this chapter!


// Luna's POV //

I don't know why, but the last few days Harry has been acting different. Like he's hiding something from me. Like, he talks to everybody else but when it comes to me he acts like a whole different person.

I don't know what's going on but I'm going to find out. I don't know why he's ignoring me but I will find out if it's the last thing I do.

I mean I love-


I do? I actually love Harry?

I mean.. We've been friends longer than we've been dating but I guess that feeling was always there. Deep down in my heart I've always loved Harry. I guess I do,

I love Harry Styles.

But now what am I supposed to do, the man I love is avoiding me and nobody will tell me why.. It's starting to worry me.. Did I do something to upset him? Did I make him angry? NOBODY WILL TELL ME WHAT I DID WRONG!

At this point, I was just sat in Harry and I's room, with tears falling down my cheeks at a rapid pace.

I just don't understand. If he just invited me on this trip to just ignore me I'm going to go home.

I guess that's it. I'll go home. If he wants to talk to me he can call or message me, I'm done. And since the rest of the gang is out snowboarding I can easily make my escape.

It took me about 5 minutes to pack up everything, since I hadn't really unpacked anything, it didn't take me long at all.

Before I left, I wrote Alex a note, that I was just tired of being ignored and that I went home and to call me if they want.

I didn't bring my car, since I road with Harry. I took the bus. It was going to be a long 2 hour ride but it'd be worth the journey when I got back home into my warm bed with Stella and Hazel cuddled up to me.

After I paid the bus driver the fee, I walked all the way to the back of the bus and before I got the chance to sit down, he took off lurching me sideways into the seat I was about to sit in.

"Ow.." I mumbled rubbing my head since my head had hit the window. I think that damn driver gave me a concussion..


The bus ride was the most agonising thing I've ever experienced. We had made a couple stops in between the ride to pick up other passengers and this little boy got on and he wouldn't leave me alone. (And by little I meant he was like 11 or 12.)

He kept trying to flirt with me, he asked all sorts of questions like: Why'd you take the bus?, Do you have a boyfriend?,  do you have a sister?, How old are you?, I literally wanted to rip my hair out and shove it down his throat so he couldn't say anymore.

Finally when It was my stop I hurried off the bus, with my suitcases as fast as I could, hoping that the little devil wouldn't follow me. Luckily, he didn't and I was home free when the bus had took off down the road.

I'm lucky that Alex, and I's flat isn't that far from the bus stop where I got dropped off at, so it didn't me as long as I thought it would to get back to the flat on foot.

When I got home, I unlocked the door, and slowly kicked it open dropping my luggage in the process. Man, lugging 2 suitcases packed with clothes and essentials tire you out quickly.

I didn't really wanna pick them and lug them upstairs but I guess I had no choice if I wanted to eat something soon.

It took me about half an hour to unpack, fold, and put away everything I had brought to the lodge. I hope I didn't forget anything, but I guess if I did either Harry or Alex would get it for me even though they probably haven't even got back from snowboarding but you never know. I was on a bus for 2 hours. A lot can happen in 2 hours..

Just as I though that, I realized I hadn't turned my phone on at all when I was on the bus (surprisingly) and I got it off my bed and held the power button until the 'Apple' symbol appeared on the screen.

While I waited for it to completely turn on I wondered if I would have any calls, or texts from the boys or Alex. I wonder if they even notice I am gone..

Right when my phone completely turned on I seen that I had 20 missed calls from Alex, and 30 missed calls from Harry. Damn, how much can one person call another in 2 hours..!?

As I unlocked my phone I got a call from..


Ha! CLIFFHANGER..! Don't kill me for not updating but I hope this made up for it even though I left you gals or guys on a cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one (Hopefully not in 2 weeks) byeee! ~Megan (: Xxx

Don't Forget Where You Belong ||Harry Styles AU|| Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now