T h i r t e e n

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I hope you enjoy this chapter!


// Harry's POV //

What the hell is wrong with me?! 'My girlfriend Mallory' As if you could even call her a girlfriend she's a fucking bitch that is only dating me for my money. I don't want her. I want Luna. So I am going to get her.

I got up from the couch in Louis', mine, and Eleanor's flat that we all share and grabbed my car keys off the coffee table and grabbed my coat and ran out the door, jumped into my car, starting the engine, speeding off into the brisk London night.


Once I got to her flat I got out of my car locking it behind me and walked up the sidewalk to her front door and stood there for a while trying to process what I was going to say, or do, but right now all I want to do is make things right with her but before I go inside I need to make a VERY important phone call.

I took my iPhone out of my back pocket and dialed a number that I wish I didn't memorize as quickly as I did when we first started dating. Mallory's.

It was about 2 or 3 rings before she picked up and answered with an groggily "hello." I answered back as politely as I could, well that is before she recognized my voice. That idiot must have answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Harry, what the actual fuck. Why are you calling me at 1 in the morning? Shouldn't you be asleep?" Man I just want to get this over with.

"Mallory, we're done. I'm breaking up with you," she continued rambling until my words sunk into that small brain of hers. "WHAT! Why?! What did I do to be broken up with at 1 in the morning!" I had to take the phone away from my ear so I wouldn't become deaf from all the screaming she was doing.

"Listen up because I'm only going to tell you once. I'm. Breaking. Up. With. You. So leave me the fuck alone, I've figured you out. You only want me for my damn money so.. goodbye." And with that I hung up on her, hopefully she's out of my life forever and I won't have to deal with her.. Only if it was that easy.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, and after a while when nobody opened it I twisted the doorknob and let myself in.

The house was in complete darkness except the candle that was lit, and burning in the lounge on the coffee table. I'm assuming Alexandra hasn't got home yet and Luna left a candle lit for her. (A/N: That sounds strange I know, but just go with it) I turned to the stairs and walked as quietly as I could up them and once I got to the top of them I started walking to Luna's bedroom and quietly opened the door and peeked inside to see if she was awake.

When I did, I seen that Luna was asleep on her bed cuddling a pillow and I could see some drool starting to drip down her mouth and I smiled. Man she's adorable when she's asleep.

When I fully entered her room I looked around taking in all of the details of her room especially the posters in her room: Us (1D), 5 Seconds Of Summer (5SOS), Little Mix, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, and 2 Divergent posters. And that was pretty much it. She had a desk with some pictures on it. A bookshelf with of course books like: The Divergent Series, Hunger Games, The Fault In Our Stars, and Paper Towns. (This book is in the year 2014) On the desk were pictures of her and Alexandra. In one they were both in bikinis and they were at the beach with 3 others girls that were in the background.. I wonder who they are?

Also on the desk was her Mac Book, iPad, iPod which was on the dock, headphones, and a pink pair of earphones.

I turned back to the sleeping beauty that was sleeping on her bed and I seen that she had her iPhone clutched in her right hand that was also wrapped around her pink fluffy pillow. I don't really want to wake her since she's so cute when she's sleeping but I really need to talk to her.

As I was about to put my hand on her back to try and shake her awake I heard her mumble my name, wait.. is she- is she dreaming about me? "Harry.." she mumbled again and I now really needed to wake her before I end up climbing in bed with her and cuddling her until she can't breath.

"Luna.. Luna wake up.. Luna" I kept trying to shake her and say her name but she just wouldn't wake up. Then a devious idea popped into my head.

"Luna! One Direction is here!" I said with a high pitched voice and she sat up so fast that before I could move my head we bumped heads and I hissed in pain and she did as well.

"Ow, shit, are you okay Luna?" I asked and she looked up from the bed and her eyes widened at the sight of me. "Harry? What are you doing here? Why are you back, shouldn't you be at your girlfriends?"


"No," I stopped my sentence thinking of what to say. "Of course not," she said standing up from the bed heading over to her makeup table, which was sat next to the window on the left side of her bed. She picked up her brush and combed through it getting all the tangles out, which was none, and I couldn't help but watch her.

"You know, staring is rude" I snapped out of my trance seeing that Luna was staring through the mirror back at me.

Damn, busted.

"S-sorry, I couldn't help it." At my words her face started to get red and she moved away from the mirror and sat at her desk where her laptop was.

"Luna.. I need to talk to you. That's why I came here in the first place.." Man what am I going to say that won't make me confess my undying love for her? Wait what!? I'm not in love with her.. am I? Oh god here I go..

"Luna.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I never messaged you, but just so you know your name never left my mind at all, and I know my excuse of being with Mallory was really pathetic and I know that but she's gone now, I broke up with her.. for-" I stopped in mid-sentence "for you" I mumbled looking down at my brown boots, not looking up.

"I'm sorry-" I got cut off by a pair of warm lips against my own, but when I finally came to my senses that it was Luna I kissed her back. It was a slow kiss not like the very paced ones that I shared with Mallory, these were much sweeter.

Once we pulled away I could see the blush that was on Luna's face beginning to get darker. I took her hand, raising it up to my lips and softly kissing it. "I'm truly sorry.. I'll be going now. I'll text you later okay?" she slowly nodded and leaned in and went to peck my cheek but I turned my face and it landed on my lips and I smirked as the blush that was still on her face turned into a deep dark red.

"Bye, Luna," I waved as I walked towards the door turning around to look at her and she mumbled a soft "goodbye" with a cute little wave and I smiled and walked out of her room, shutting the door behind me.

Hopefully I can ask her out soon.. Well that is when I get to know her much better at least.


I hope you carrots enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one! Bye! ~Megan (: x

P.s. Tell me this, Who's staying with the boys during their break? Message me or tell me in the comments if you are! And I hope you all had a good weekend! Now farewell my good carrots.

Don't Forget Where You Belong ||Harry Styles AU|| Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now