F i f t e e n

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Ugh, sorry I've been putting the update for this book on hold.. So here ya go carrots.


// Luna's POV //

I stared at the screen of my phone for what felt like forever before putting my big girl pants on and answering the damn phone and stop acting like my old self; Shy, awkward, babyish Luna.

Once I pressed accept all I heard from her side of the phone was silence, pure silence. It was like she wasn't even there. It was like it was her ghost that made her call me and now it didn't know what to do since I actually answered.

So since she obviously wasn't going to speak I decided to speak first.

"Autumn, if you called just to be silent the whole time I'm going to hang up. I don't have time for your shit."

I was surprised at my boldness towards her. My old self would have been shriveling away in her shyness.

"I-I didn't call for that.. I had no one else to turn to I-" I cut her off if she thinks I'm going to listen to him about babble on about her not having someone to turn to then she has another thing coming.

Like what about me? What about when I had no one to turn to because of them. All because of them.

"What about me? I had no one to turn to when you bitches back stabbed me!" her side of the line was dead quiet once again. "You had Alexandra. I have no one. Ethan cheated on me, embarrassing me in front of the whole school, Jenessa, and Mallory betrayed me by going with Reagan and now no one will talk to me, look at me, or acknowledge me."

I felt like laughing. She says they won't do all that stuff and when Ethan cheated on me with them they all laughed at me, embarrassing me in front of the whole school.

So, what comes around goes around, bitch.

"Luna I'm sorry-" I hung up on her. I couldn't take anymore of her bullshit. I'm done with her. I've been done with her.


Go Luna go! that's my girl! Haha I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Let's just call this a filler for the Cliffhanger that I left you gals of guys on last time. Bye! Don't forget to vote and comment! ~Megan (: x

Don't Forget Where You Belong ||Harry Styles AU|| Watty's 2017Where stories live. Discover now