Jasper x Reader

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It was supposed to be a wonderful day. They were going to go stargazing above the temple. But then it happened. (Y/N)'s disease had caught up to them halfway up the hill. (He/She) fell and spat up blood. Jasper ran over and gently picked them up, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "(Y/n)! What happened!?" Jasper checked over the humans body, only to find the blood dripping out of (his/her) mouth. "J-Jasper....T-Take me to the top....Please.." Jasper hurried to the top of the hill with (Y/n) in her strong arms. She gently set them down, moving a piece of their (h/c) hair from (his/her) face.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes slowly gazed from Jasper's face to the stars, slowly reaching their arm up. They pointed a (s/c) finger at a small star that was trying it's hardest to shine the brightest. "T-That one..." Jasper followed (his/her) finger to the star, tears falling down her cheeks. "That one...Is me. If you ever g-get lost, follow me home. I-If you ever f-feel lonely, look up to me." They let out another hoarse cough, gripping Jasper's arm. "(Y/n).....Please don't leave me..I need you!" Jasper gripped their cold body, her face drenched in hot orange tears.

The human brought their hand to Jasper's face, a small smile on their lips. "I'm sorry Jasper... I love you..N-Never forget me." Jasper shook her head, placing a small kiss on (Y/n)'s lips. "I-I love you too..." The humans hand slowly slid down Jasper's face, their eyes growing dull as they stared at Jasper. Jasper let out a sob, gripping the humans body tightly to hers.

"I'll never forget you.."

Requested by: Sufanforlife

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